I was about to use Jet's Pokemon Statistics script to help easier orginize elements but then I realized, this is only the personality aspect of pokemon games... I was hoping this was for the element too...
If at all possible can you make a version of his script so each element ID has good and bad elements? Something like this:
#Element ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 => [C, D, F, B, A, C, C, A, B, F, C, C, F, B, A, D],
And so on?
BTW as I was adding the last few numbers above the letters(did that last) I noticed the last 3 letter were B, A, and D which spells bad... hopefully it will not be...
Anybody who helps will be given credit in my game and if helpers want a cookie they may PM me about it.
Please don't SPAM about my game being super-realated to pokemon or digimon because of this request, it is only to make sorting elements simpiler for me.