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REQUEST: Airship Landing Restrictions script

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RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
Hello, friends. For my current project, I have a dynamic background script which changes the BG depending on the terrain via eventing. The map is drawn so that walking or even ship travel always results in the appropriate BG dispaly in combat. But waht about airship travel? Hmmm.

I am requesting a script that will restrict the airship to land at only specific events on the world map, much like ahref's Vehicle Landing Restrictions script. Help is appreciated greatly, I may have to REALLY revamp the game without it.

Thanks in advance, chums!