Some time back, we had a game where you were given a quote and you had to guess which video game it came from and who said it. Google made that game a little too easy though. So here's a new version of the game, one that's much more challenging:
Guess That Game Song.
The rules are pretty straight forward. Someone posts an unmarked song from an video game using [mp3
/mp3] tags, and the rest of us must try to guess what game the song came from. Bonus points if you even know the name of the song. After the current song has been correctly guessed or else been given up on, some else may post a new song for people to try to guess. It can either be attached to your post or uploaded somewhere else, as long as people can listen to it without having to download it directly and any revealing information about it has been removed.
I'll start us off with something that's probably easy to recognize.
Good luck!