I think a lot of people are missing the point about this game. It isn't deathmatching or CTF or anything like that that makes the game interesting. Its the crossplay. Granted that The Crossing was slated to do this exact thing almost 4 years ago, but Valve dropped the ball on that one, and Bethesda picked it up and ran. I'm not worried about classes, customization, or anything like that. I'm worried about the community. I mean, when a company designs a game in which mission's a.i. bots are replaced with human players, they're putting a lot of faith into their audience. It could either be the most important and enjoyable experience in gaming, or it could be a disastrous mess. If people play the roles that they're supposed to, the idea of this game is incredibly intriguing to me. If, as I predict it to be, the game is filled with trolls and assholes, then it would be the least fun thing I can imagine. Aside from that, the balance for the game has to be nearly spot on, even moreso than Left 4 Dead. After all, the "bad guys" job in any game is ultimately to die. If you have every single enemy being a human controlled character, this could be difficult. On one side, the enemies have to be strong enough to provide a challenge for the "good guys", but weak enough to allow forward momentum. On the other side, it has to be fun enough, and rewarding to play as the antagonists. Speculation doesn't amount to much, so more than any other game coming out soon, this is a "wait and see".
In short, I'm very excited, but I still remain skeptical of the crossplay.