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How do YOU make your game?

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Level 69
Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
I would say I come up with an interesting character or two first, mainly based on somebody I know.
Then I play music to jazz it up with some atmosphere.
Then I write the main story up to a point where I can't drink any more ;)
At this point everything kinda "comes alive".

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
I come up with a character, a start point, and a basic story to develop.

Level 69
Stonesearch's Working Process(S.W.P. or SWP)

Step 1: Writing It Out
Sec. 1: Storyline
At first, I had to write out my storyline completely from my general idea of a game. For Stonesearch(Elemental Quest at the time) was basically rpg cliche about collecting the elemental stones. It still is really, but modifications happen.
It took me about a week to finish it all out, mind all of this was held off a bit by the rest of my life. :) You should really be descriptive on this part, because basically you conduct your whole game off this. You will be better off including Character Dialogues, and Intros, character profiles, and stuff like that. The more you include, the more likely it will be easier to construct your game, and any game topics/pages/profiles. I could be a lot more descriptive in this category, but yeah, it shouldn't be that hard, since that should most of the time be why you are making the game in the first place.
Sec. 2: Gameplay
In Stonesearch, this came next. The battle system, what it's like, how it functions, overall difficulty.(The one you see now isn't permanent.) If your game is a (classic?) RPG, you'd better have some battle of some sort.
Whether it is an Action battle, traditional side-view final fantasy battle, or something completely different and or unique. You should write out how it works, basics, the elements, the planned status properties, and the like.
But Gameplay isn't just battle, it is many other things too; mini-games,dungeons,puzzles, and other things. Basically, how the player interacts with your game itself. Really important to have this down.

Well god, I have no time left to finish this tonight, I must finish tomorrow.

I'm back.