I edited the code above, I noticed an error with the argument.
Here's an old script I wrote (my scripts can be found as Chaos Project) that should take care of all your problems.
# Event Range Conditions
# Author: ForeverZer0
# Version: 1.0
# Explanation:
# Allows you to set up conditional branches in events that will be based off
# the event's coordinates in relation to the player's coordinates without
# having to create any variables for the X and Y of each.
# Here are the new features you can use a conditional branch. Just type these
# into the script box for the branch.
# range?(RANGE, EVENT_ID) - Will be true if player is anywhere in the radius
# defined by RANGE from the event with EVENT_ID
# on_screen?(EVENT_ID) - Will be true if the event with EVENT_ID is within
# the visible screen
# x_dist?(DIST, EVENT_ID) - Returns true if the player's x/y is within DIST
# OR of event's x/y with EVENT_ID. These are absolute
# y_dist?(DIST, EVENT_ID) values, meaning it doesn't matter which direction,
# it just uses the total distance in tiles for that
# axis. Use a DIST of 0 to check if that axis is
# equal.
# player_above?(EVENT_ID) - Returns true when player is above event.
# player_below?(EVENT_ID) - Returns true when player is below event.
# player_right?(EVENT_ID) - Returns true when player is right of the event.
# player_left?(EVENT_ID) - Returns true when player is left of the event.
# For all of these, if the conditional branch that is using them is within
# the event that it applies to, you do not have to include the EVENT_ID, it
# is assumed to be that event's ID unless otherwise defined.
# You can use these as a condition for just about anything, such as having
# an event say something, run away, or run toward the player if it is within a
# specific distance, and it's much easier than using multiple branches and
# game variables to set it up.
# Remember that if you use a range condition with a parallel trigger, it will
# continue to execute as long as the condition is met and if the player cannot
# move during the event's code, the game will effectively be stuck.
# Compatability:
# - You may encounter issues if using a Pixel Movement script, though it
# should still work fine with an 8-Way Movement script. (Not tested)
class Interpreter
def range?(range = 4, id = @event_id)
e = $game_map.events[id]
radius = (Math.hypot((e.x - $game_player.x), (e.y - $game_player.y))).abs
return (radius <= range)
def on_screen?(id = @event_id)
x, y = $game_map.events[id].real_x, $game_map.events[id].real_y
if ((x - $game_map.display_x + 64) / 4).between?(0, 640) &&
((y - $game_map.display_y) / 4).between?(0, 480)
return true
return false
def x_dist?(distance = 0, id = @event_id)
x_dif = ($game_map.events[id].x - $game_player.x).abs
return (x_dif <= distance)
def y_dist?(distance = 0, id = @event_id)
y_dif = ($game_map.events[id].y - $game_player.y).abs
return (y_dif <= distance)
def player_above?(id = @event_id)
return ($game_map.events[id].y > $game_player.y)
def player_below?(id = @event_id)
return ($game_map.events[id].y < $game_player.y)
def player_right?(id = @event_id)
return ($game_map.events[id].x < $game_player.x)
def player_left?(id = @event_id)
return ($game_map.events[id].x > $game_player.x)