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Kaduki Battle Script Edited

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Rep: +0/-0Level 72
Black Onslaught
Hello there!!
I wanna edit the Kaduki Battle Script, but not that much, I wanna edit little things... So, does anybody can help me a little?

The things are these:

I wanna put a mini-face in the actor's name, like this:

You can see that theres is a mini-face below the actor's name.

And if possible, I wanna put the windowskin opacity's 0 in the middle box, where is the HP, AP, Name and ATB bar. but opacity 100% in the command box.


In this map you can see the actor's character on that white circle, I wanna change that to this mini-face:

But not just to him, to every character in the party.
I can make the mini-faces, but I need to edit the script to work like this.

Well... thats it!
If someone don't get what I want, please reply or send a PM for me, I really need help on these things.
Sorry if my english is a little strange, I'm brazillian.