Since I've nearly completed the soundtrack for the Order of the Marten demo, I'm just putting up some snippets of ideas that never panned out, or didn't survive in the current format. Some of this stuff does show up, but its vastly different. Also, I've included something a little different, that I ended up getting a theme from. Click if you dare...
Little Too Happy For OotM ThingLittle Eerie ThingLittle Chilly ThingLittle Became The Game's Theme Melody ThingLittle Belly ThingLittle Too Generic Sleepy ThingAnd finally, here's something that did make it into the game, but not exactly how it is. I found the old version, which is still pretty kick-ass, and figured, what the hell? This one's an mp3.
Dark WoodsEdit: Please, for the love of God, don't listen to these midis in Quicktime. The QT GM library is shit.