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Side Battle script request

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Rep: +0/-0Level 72
RMRK Junior
I am not sure if this is possible or allowed I am working on a game in Game Maker XP and I want to know if there is any battle systems like the one in Aveyond that is my personal favorite type of combat system and I was just wandering if anyone knows where I can find a script for something like it.

Level 71
RMRK Junior

You will need to make new battlers. I just extract the 'left-facing' cell from the character set for each battler, then save that image in the Battlers folder with the same name. i.e. 001-Fighter01.png  (or whatever battler you assign in the Actor tab on the database.)
You will also have to create smaller battlers for the monsters/enemies,  and in the Troops tab place them on the left side of the battle field facing right.