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[RESOLVED] Object Customization (TDS)

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Rep: +0/-0Level 75
Hello everyone ^_^
<Item/Weapon customization>

<<Hello, basically what I am looking for is what Mr. Wiggles' Alchemy script doeshttp://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,38531.0.html, with a few changes. First off, the script is of RPGM XP, I need something like this for VX. Also, I would love it if the customization could be pulled up in the menu, as opposed to interacting with an event to call the alchemy screen.

[Also, I would like there to be a success rate, controlled by a variable. But there would not just be one variable - each character would have two variables associated with his or her success rate (one for weapons, one for items). Because of this, the player would need to chose a person to attempt a synthesis (attempt to use a recipe successfully). This is optional if someone would like to add it, that would be great - but it is not necessary)]

[[i.e. Two variables for each person called 'weapon customization' or 'item customization' (or something) that can have a value 1-10. A 1 would be a low success rate, while a 10 would be a high success rate. Upon success, the item/weapon will be synthesized correctly, resulting in the new item/weapon. However, upon a failed attempt, a useless item/weapon will be created (such as a 'weird lump' for the item, or 'rusty knife' for the weapon. However,  if there is not a defined recipe in the script, the combination chosen by the player will also result in a failed attempt. For a better sense on how I want the script to flow, reference below for a short example (please).]]

For Weapon
Pull up menu.
Chose the 'customize' option in the menu.
It will ask if the player wants to customize an item or a weapon.
(for this example, the player chooses weapon)
Chose a character.
Bring up a list of the weapons in the inventory.
Player chooses a weapon.
Bring up a list of minerals in the inventory.
Player chooses a mineral.
Script looks at the chosen character's 'weapon customization' variable to determine success rate.
Success or failure (make new customized weapon or make failed weapon)
Back to character selection.
Player can either chose a character, or go back to the main menu screen.

*** I forgot to mention minerals. I apologize. A mineral is an item that is used to actually customize the weapon, and would be an item with a tag "<mineral>" (or however you deem appropriate to refer to it)***

For Item
Pull up menu.
Chose the 'customize' option in the menu.
It will ask if the player wants to customize an item or a weapon.
(for this example, the player chooses item)
Chose a character.
Bring up a list of the items in the inventory.
Player chooses a item.
Bring up a list of items in the inventory again.
Player chooses another item.
Script looks at the chosen character's 'item customization' variable to determine success rate.
Success or failure (make new customized item or make failed item).
Back to character selection.
Player can either chose a character, or go back to the main menu screen.

Doing it this way would give the player a sense of mystery/adventure when trying to customize an item or weapon, instead of simply (and I thing boringly) choosing one from a list, which is essentially no different from going to a normal shop. It would make the player choose wisely when trying to synthesize something in the game, which I believe would add an element that I have not really seen in RPGMVX.

I understand that this is probably asking a lot of someone, and while I'm not the most talented with RPGMVX, if whoever helps me with this needs some grunt work to be done on their game, or the like, I will gladly help. I can event, and I have an intermediate understanding of variables - I customized my own currency exchange system in my game with three different currencies. I am a poor college student, but if you want to talk money, I have my ears open!>>

Features Desired
  • Able to chose a character to carry out the synthesis - not required
  • Two different variables per character, one for weapon synthesis. success rate, one for item synthesis. success rate. - still not required, as it goes with the feature above
  • Instead of having a list of recipes show up, the player chooses what he wants to attempt to synthesize together
  • Upon a failed synthesis, a useless item or weapon would be created
  • The script would have defined recipes, which would either result in success/failure.
  • If there is no defined recipe for the chosen (in game, by the player) combination, the result will automatically be a 'failed item.'


Spoiler for:

menu screen (the PARTY selection is from Modern Algebra's Integrated reserve party script) - select Customize

Spoiler for:

Select the character to perform the customization

Spoiler for:

A list of weapons (in this example) pops up.

Spoiler for:

After selecting a weapon, the weapon screen goes away and a list of minerals replaces it.

Spoiler for:

After selecting a mineral (maybe a short pause and a sound effect for the wait time), it either says the customization was a success or failure. And then it goes back to the select character screen (or main menu, what ever would be easiest)

Games its been in
  • Star Ocean 2: The Second Story

What other scripts are you using?

A lot, and I put down everything that has anything to do with what shows up in the menu screen and such, but I'm sure most of them will not be a problem
  • Modern Algebra's Integrated Reserve Party
  • Woratana's On Screen Shop
  • OriginalWij's Basket Shop
  • Syvkal's Menu Bars

Did you search?
<<Yes - for hours and hours>>

Where did you search?
  • rmrk.net
  • rpgmakervx.net
  • Every single customization/cooking script I could find on Google and the other rpgmaker sites

What did you search for?
  • item synth
  • cooking
  • weapon
  • customize
  • synthesis
  • recipe
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 11:27:49 AM by hikomarukun »
RPMG2k forever!

Rep: +0/-0Level 75
Hello everyone ^_^
Ya, I thought this wouldn't get much attention - it is a pretty hefty request. But I'm surprised no one is interested in the money or grunt work (or both) trade for this script. But wouldn't this function be neat? The fact that the player does not know exactly what he/she will be synthesizing adds an adventurous element, to me at least. Will anyone weigh in on the matter, even if you don't want to script it (please)? Thank you!
RPMG2k forever!

pokeball TDSOffline
Level 84
-T D S-
Silver - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - Game In A Week VII
I don't think that people were not interested, it's just that the request itself can easily put off anyone who might have wanted to help you.

I'm not very good at explaining, so I made the script in 2 different ways.

Your mockup:

Simpler  (To me):

The script itself is far from complex, if I understood it correctly that is.

Choose character to base success rate variables on.
Choose what type of object to customize.
Choose the object.
Choose object to customize with.

If you like it, let me know and I'll debug it and fix it up (did this version in 15 minutes and it looks like crap).

Also if you are thinking about paying for a script, don't put things like you're broke or have limited income, just ask for a price and see if that's manageable for you.

Have a nice day.

Rep: +0/-0Level 75
Hello everyone ^_^
Ya, I wrote a lot just so I could be as detailed as I could (because I have seen some of the requests that people try to do, but are really vague and make no sense). But your mock up is actually perfect and preferable, if that is OK. I thought it would be easier to bring up the lists one at a time, but since I know very little about actual coding, I was mistaken.

But yes, you understand exactly what I want - which makes me ecstatic!

Also if you are thinking about paying for a script, don't put things like you're broke or have limited income, just ask for a price and see if that's manageable for you.
Great advice... Haha Thank you for the heads up!

I greatly appreciate all of the hard (and fantastic) work you do here at rmrk, and I want you to know that you are VERY appreciated! Thank you very much for everything (and of course, filling my request)! Have a great day!
RPMG2k forever!

pokeball TDSOffline
Level 84
-T D S-
Silver - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - Game In A Week VII
It's done.


To make items not customizable just add this into the note box.
Code: [Select]

To mark items as minerals add this to the note box.

Code: [Select]

To add a result for a weapon or item just add this into it's note box.

Code: [Select]

ID: ID of item that can be combined with.
A: Result type: 0-Item, 1-Weapon, 2-Armor
B: ID of result
C: Quantity

Code: [Select]
CZTM_22: 1 20 1

On Scene Customize there are constants you can change to edit the script.

If you don't understand something or want something added/changed/removed let me know.

Have a nice day.

Rep: +0/-0Level 75
Hello everyone ^_^
Great! Thank you so much! I am currently on campus at school, so I will give this a good looking at tonight!

Quick question - if I wanted one weapon, for example, to have two different combinations would the script allow me to add something like this in the note box?

Code: [Select]

And lastly, does "C" represent the quantity of the resulting item/weapon, or the number of components required to make the new item/weapon? Thank you again! Have a great day!
RPMG2k forever!

pokeball TDSOffline
Level 84
-T D S-
Silver - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - Game In A Week VII
Yes, you can have as many combinations as you want as long as the identifier ID (Process Item) is different.


Sword + Stone = Stone Sword
Sword + Ruby = Ruby Sword

And C is the quantity received after customizing.

Rep: +0/-0Level 75
Hello everyone ^_^
This ALMOST works perfectly

EDIT: Since I'm using M.A.'s Integrated Reserve Party, I will have 5 people in my party. I tested this out with my fifth person and got an error:

WINDOW_BASE' ? 253 ??? NoMethodError
undefined method 'face_name' for nil:NilClass

It works if I move the fifth person into the main four slots in my party, but not if she is in the fifth slot. It isn't a huge deal if it is a pain to fix, because it still will work, just a not as flawlessly.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 04:09:56 AM by hikomarukun »
RPMG2k forever!

Level 97
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Yeah, thanks TDS. Your work in fulfilling requests here is always much appreciated. Great stuff!

pokeball TDSOffline
Level 84
-T D S-
Silver - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - Game In A Week VII
If you could provide a small demo with the scripts I'll see what the problem is and fix it.

@modern algebra: Thank you.

Rep: +0/-0Level 75
Hello everyone ^_^
In my attempt to fix it, I changed max party members to 5 and it worked. However, when I did that the SBS - Tankentai didn't work. So Here is the upload of my Demo. Again, thank you for this!

P.S. Please pardon the messiness of all the scripts I have (there are a lot there). And don't worry about the lack of icons for the items and such, I tried to strip the file down as much as I could for your convenience.
RPMG2k forever!

pokeball TDSOffline
Level 84
-T D S-
Silver - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - Game In A Week VII
Here you go.

Just replace the script data file in the demo with this one to test it.

Let me know if it works out for you.

Rep: +0/-0Level 75
Hello everyone ^_^
@TDS You have NO idea how much I appreciate this! Thank you very much for all of your work, and for helping one who cannot code in the slightest! I hope you have a fantastic day, week, month and year!

Oh, right. It works! ^_^
RPMG2k forever!