I'm using Shanghai's FFXIII/Yanfly menu system (as you may already know, since I continually have trouble working with it), and one of the major problems is it displays the current HP and MP values, but doesn't display bars or max HP/MP, so you can never really know how much HP/MP you're missing unless you go into the status menu or something.
Now I've found the line of coding I need to change (around 206), it looks like this (the Draw Actor MP is right below it):
# * Draw Actor HP
def draw_actor_hp(actor, rect)
self.contents.font.size = Font.default_size - 4
self.contents.font.color = hp_gauge_color2
yy = 288 - WLH*5/2 - 4
self.contents.draw_text(rect.x+4, yy, rect.width-8, WLH, Vocab.hp, 0)
yy += WLH/2
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.font.size += 2
self.contents.draw_text(rect.x+4, yy, rect.width-8, WLH, actor.hp, 2)
My question is how would I go about either adding an HP/MP bar, or just having the max HP/MP values show up after drawing the current HP/MP?
Also, I'm trying to get custom commands to open separate alternative skill menus instead of just running a single skill command. Any way to do that? (Dargor's script doesn't seem to cover that.)