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Glass [Demo] [VX]

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Level 73
RMRK Junior

Spoiler for "Overview":
Engine: RMVX
Genre: Turn-based RPG
Rating: Will likely ultimately be the equivalent of a "T"
Current Gameplay Estimate: Between 2 - 4 hours
Progress Estimate:
Mapping: 19%
Eventing: 20%
Story Planning: 85%
Database: 14%
Scripting: 100%
Overall Progress: 20%
Website URL: http://glass.freewebsitehosting.com/index.html
Known Errors: None that I'm currently aware of
Notes: This is my first project. The demo listed here if a very early demo - it covers almost all currently created content for the game - but I thought it'd be better to release it for feedback now, while it's still relatively easy to perform major edits, than when it's already further along and more difficult to change.
Spoiler for "Plot":
"the fragility of the human spirit is a lot like that of glass - it can break at even the slightest disturbance.
sometimes the pieces are big enough to easily put back together, and
sometimes the fragments are so small that it's almost impossible to tell what they once were.
but regardless of whatever beauty and perfection the original work held, and whether by accident or with will,
each shattered piece carries an edge sharp enough to draw blood."

The last thing 10 year old Ervay remembers is the family road trip leading towards his Grandmother's cabin and the summer camp he and his twin sister were to attend, but he wakes to find himself alone in an odd castle - a castle that holds entire villages, dungeons, and bizarre landscapes all within the scope of its walls...and that grows increasingly twisted and convoluted the further he descends.

The only thing it lacks is an exit.

Confused, frightened, and separated from his parents, the young boy has no other choice but to start exploring the corridors of the castle in search of them.
Along with many other faces, he soon meets a peculiar young woman who claims to have lived alone in the castle, her "world", as she calls it, for years. Hostile and sarcastic, she's hardly an image of comfort, but she might be his only hope when it comes to finding his family...or a way out.

Will Ervay be able to release himself from the confines of the castle? Who is the strange girl who seems bent on keeping him there? What's the truth behind the existence of this unnatural palace? And will he be strong enough to face that truth once he can no longer deny the answer in front of his face?
Spoiler for "Setting":
Having grown up in a typical U.S. city, the castle Ervay finds himself enclosed in is unlike anything he's ever come across before. It's far from a normal palace - while the main halls are almost completely devoid of life every room is pristine and contains signs of use, odd, inhuman creatures roam the corridors, and beyond that, several peculiar towns, caves, forests, and cities all seem to be wrapped within its old brick walls. Stretching several floors down, the further he and his companions descend downwards in hopes of finding an exit, the more the atmosphere warps into something fragmented, surreal, and sinister. With nothing but fog visible from the windows and balconies, the castle seems to contain everything but an exit.

How can such a supernatural place exist in an otherwise natural world? How much of what the first girl he meets claims is true? How did Ervay and the other companions he meets wind up there? He will have to face his deepest fears to find the answers...or an exit.
Spoiler for "Characters":
Ervay [player character]
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Battle Style: Mage
Bio: An energetic but somewhat timid, sensitive, and weak-spirited young boy who lives a relatively simple existence in Seattle with his well-off parents and two siblings. While not perfect, his life is normal enough until he wakes up alone inside a mysterious castle, with the last thing he can remember being a road trip towards his Grandmother's cabin and a summer camp he and his twin sister were to attend. He overall has a good heart, but he can be prone to jealousy and selfishness, and doesn't always consider the consequences of his actions as carefully as he should. Now separated from his family, and unsure of how he ended up inside the castle, he goes off in search of his parents and siblings and a way out.

Gender: Female
Age: 20
Battle Style: Melee
Bio: A peculiar girl Ervay meets shortly after waking up, and who claims to have lived completely alone in the odd castle, her "world", as she calls it, for years. She has no memory of what her life was like before coming to the closed off building or how she arrived there, yet claims to be oddly content with her previously undisturbed existence. Hostile, impatient, sarcastic, abrupt, and perhaps or perhaps not quite right in the head, she isn't exactly the picture of comfort, but she might be Ervay's only hope when it comes to finding his family or getting out.

Gender: Male
Age: 24
Battle Style: Healer
Bio: A mysterious boy with the wings of an angel, with one of his wings sporting feathers of a winter white while his other wings contrasts it at an ashen black. Elliot has a practical and strong-willed, if sometimes slightly withdrawn, personality, but he is compassionate, calm, and level-headed, and often serves as a voice of support or reason. The way he has the odd ability to heal the wounds of others also makes him indispensable to have around. He stands out from the other people Ervay encounters in the castle, though, as he seems to understand more than he lets on, and seems to harbor an unknown motive.

Gender: Female
Age: 17
Battle Style: Melee
Bio: Every bit as curious, playful, and self-important as the feline features that she sports might suggest, life is one big game to her and she rarely takes anything seriously. She is quite a tomboy, and also easily mistaken for younger than she actually is with her somewhat childish nature and curiosity, which is something that'll quickly set off her rather hot, and sometimes unpredictable, temper. Immature, rowdy, and spoiled, she isn't always the easiest person to be around, but her unwaveringly upbeat attitude is reassuring, and unlike many other members of the other people Ervay comes across inside the castle, she comes right out and says what she thinks!

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Battle Style: Gunner
Bio: An outgoing, discontent boy who likes girls, booze, loud music, and anything else that might get him into a trouble. He's always out for a good-time or a cheap thrill, but he can also be unexpectedly bitter, and has an insatiable, almost prying curiosity on top of it. He is quite bold and determined, but despite his generally casual, outgoing personality, he has a very one track mind and a tendency to take himself a bit too seriously, as well. Nevertheless, his rebellious, competitive, and carefree exterior hides an earnest and determined heart, as well as a surprisingly dependable and loyal personality.

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Battle Style: Elemental Archer
Bio: A quiet, shy, and serious-minded girl, who is generally quite happy to spend most of her hours alone. She does have a more fun-loving side that appears from time to time, but which is usually buried behind her distant nature and somewhat jaded and melancholy outlook. She has a bit of social anxiety when it comes to meeting new people, and is often uncomfortable with face to face interaction, which makes it difficult to break through her shell. She is, however, creative and highly sharp-minded, and also has more of a temper than one might first expect. The origin of her peculiar name is a question that she won't answer.

Gender: Female
Age: 20
Battle Style: Buffer/Debuffer
Bio: A confident, feminine and bright girl. While generally a social butterfly, she sometimes gets offended too easily and can be judgmental and impatient at times. She also likes to think of herself as very refined, mature, and classy, but is in reality more innocent and sheltered than she'd care to admit. She can be a bit of perfectionist, as well, which sometimes leads her to become her own worst enemy - she'll never accept anything but success and excellence from those around her, and especially herself. But all the same, she is always honest and responsible.

Gender: Male
Age: 35
Battle Style: Tank
Bio: A very unusual, eccentric man with an interest in classical arts, history, and the minds of others. He has a tendency to pry when not wanted and doesn't seem to get the concept of leaving well enough alone. He can also be a bit manipulative at times, if it's about getting things the way he wants them or getting someone to spill a secret. He does genuinely care about others, but at the same time he generally comes across as very straight-laced and cold. Nonetheless, he is adaptive and intuitive, and usually offers sound advice and a unique perspective...whether it's wanted or not.
Spoiler for "Screens":

Spoiler for "Features":
• A turn-based RPG using the R.I.B.S. battle system, and enhanced with other scripts like HUDs, a burst gage, MP regeneration, and state descriptions.

• A story-driven narrative with a non-traditional RPG plot - there's no wars, ancient, magical artifacts, or saving the world involved.

• No random encounters - enemies appear on the map. They'll chase you if you get too close, but if you have a high enough level, they'll flee instead.

• Collect scattered journal entries to uncover more about the plot and its characters.

• Complete hidden objectives to unlock powerful skills for each character.

• Some chests are rigged - if you choose the wrong compartment, you could end up losing HP instead of gaining an item.

• Several optional activities like sidequests, a training tower late in game, fishing, and cooking.

• Enhanced visually and gameplay wise with over 70 scripts for light and fog effects, character faces that shift depending on remaining HP, battle aftermath, expanded shop and equip scenes, a message system, random battle transitions, battle backgrounds, a caterpillar system, a stamina system, a quest book, and more.

Spoiler for "Demo":
Notes: The demo needs the RTP to run. You will have an option to download a version with or without the RTP included through the link.

The demo goes up until shortly after arriving in the second village. Specifically, it will end upon talking to the winged boy, so make sure you're ready for it to finish before you do so.

Note: Outdated demo temporarily removed for no longer being an accurate representation of the project - thanks for the feedback that's helped improve the next version. Demo 2.0 is in final playtesting stages, so expect to see it up very soon!
Spoiler for "Credits":
Graphic Resources Used:
Game Over Screen (unedited version) by faeryofiris
BattleStart Images by Spydr, Mr. Monkey, shandy333, Timmah, and Mitchi
Graphic Fonts used are from DaFont
Patterns used from Dinpattern
Brushes used from BlendFu
Map Background from Closet
Additional Tiles by Metalxgod, rgangsta, heisenman, painhurt, gabrielusa911, Mack, Mr. Grim, murphmaster01, Aindra,
Kazzador, IceDragon, and Lunarea
Additional Sprites by EB/Tsukuru's Blog, Between Truth And Fantasy, Mack, PinedaVX, Jessie, Nastasia, Cocodoco, Deebs, qtpi0121, Avadan, landis17, manat31790, Xavioo, Kalez, Hanzo Kimura, Closet, Kaduki, XaineC, relaypoint.web, http://rmvx.gameclover.com, and Famitsu's Generators
Additional Facesets by Koira92, Closet, EB/Tsukuru's Blog, DespairReigns, Famitsu, Soruve, Celianna's Generator, and
Window Skin by Despite of Faded Productions
Battle Backdrops by neosky and Pockethouse
Icons by Kaduki, Zai, Scorneo, Vibrato, Whitecat, and Ying
Added Battlers by Sketcy-Sketch and Closet
Parallax Images/Fogs used by heisenman and jebbou
Added Animations by Ariel
All other graphics/resources used are either RPG Maker VX RTP defaults or created by TearsOfNightfall,
any edits done by TearsOfNightfall

Audio Resources Used:
Music by tidegusto, JeffMasterBee, valdred, doomslice, Isumi, ubermensch, Chimera, Da-Buzz (of http://www.vgmusic.de),
yamina-chan, toknotic, SweetyGirly, DrDisastro, Rast, Joerao, eweeparker, sethefricaa, Grzegorz, Christopher White,
apoc, isaacsol, megatronx, StrangeJam (http://www.youtube.com/user/StrangeJam), Selcuk (MaestroRage) Bor, LadyArsenic,
weirdbeard, timeSlider, moneymenace, Owlsey, EZaxess, NimleeSmudges, Powerslave, Naes Naniram, Jelly, and from www.SoundJay.com,
FreePublicMusic.com, and FreeSoundtrackMusic.com*

Sound Effects from inchadney, vixuxx, digifishmusic, JohnC, and from 3dmm Studio, www.amazingsounds.com, www.pachd.com, and www.SoundJay.com

*Note: These are artists and websites whom music was downloaded from. Not all downloaded tracks were actually used
in game, so music from all mentioned artists and sources may not be present.)

Scripts Used:
R.I.B.S. Battle System by OriginalWij (which includes draw line by Modern Algebra)
Enhanced Battle Status Display by BigEd786 (with most graphics used in code done by Celianna)
Facial Values by SojaBird
Victory Aftermath (along with compatibility patches) by Yanfly
Quest System by Omega7
Enemy HP Bars by Jens009
Battle Transitions by Shanghai
Death Common Events by Shanghai
Battle Aggro by Yanfly
Ammo Requirements by Ty
Event Chase Player by Yanfly
Advanced Text System by Modern Algebra
Integrated Reserved Party by modern algebra
State Probability by Mithran
Weather Script by ccoa
Critical Flash by Jens009
Custom Damage Formulas by Yanfly
Counter State by COTUS
Equipment Effects by KGC
Cooperation Skills by KGC
Reverse Damage State by KGC
Long Text Information Window by JFJohnny
Simple Reputation System by XIV (original pop-up window by OriginalWij)
Shop Scene by Yanfly
Expanded Equip Scene by KGC
Full Screen Option by Game_guy (VX version) and Blizzard (original XP version)
MP Regeneration Per-Turn System by FenixFyreX and Rezna (original concept)
Enemy Reappear Fix by Yanfly
5 Battle Enhance Scripts by mizzl
Restored Functions by KGC
Skill Effects by KGC
State Descriptions by Leongon
Vampiric Weapons by Shanghai
Agility/Evasion Relationship by Mithran
Overkill by Shanghai
Battle BGM Flow From Map by Night Runner
Burst Gauge by wltr3565
Replace Regular Attack With Skills by Shanghai
Fancy Deaths by Shanghai
Battle Backgrounds by Elemental Crisis
Battle Screen Effects by Mr. Anonymous
Ladder Climbing Done Right by BigEd786
Confused Player Walk by Maximilian
Caterpillar System by Diedrupo (VX version) and Trickster (original XP version)
Thomas Edison Light Effects by BulletXt (based on original script by Kylock)
Fog Effects by Miget man12
Customize The Title Screen by Para Dog
Basic Menu + by Moghunter
Menu Background by BigEd786
Remove Save Option From Menu by puppeto4
FF IX-like Save Menu by BigEd786
Categorize Items by KGC
Sythesis Shop by Cylindrical
Window Effects by SporkOfDoom (fixed by FenixFyreX)
Save Complete Pop-Up by Mithran
Map Name Pop-Up by Moghunter
Chest Item Pop-Up by OriginalWij (edited by Dr.?)
Sub-Name By Party Index by Mithran
Predetermined Colors by BigEd786
Learn A Skill Items by Jet
Level Up Effects by Redyugi
Once Per Battle Skill by Mithran
Break States by Jet
Damage Percent Skills by Jet
Dash Stamina System by Jet
Sound Test by badnomis
Simple Enemy and Random Target AI Boost by Mithran
AI Packages by Kread-EX
Custom Target Select by Yanfly
EVA/HIT/CRI States by puppeto4
Formation Changer by Timeaisis
Debug Speeder by Gammastar and Icon View Preview by Woratana were used during testing
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 04:33:53 AM by TearsOfNightfall »

Level 88
&& Lime
Winner - 2011 Spring Project of the Season
It's interesting, though mapping was a tad linear (and quite large hallways) in some places.
Still, looks good, very open story that you can do a lot with. Looking forward to some progress!

hey, pasta!

i'm not okay.

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
It is visually appealling. I will give further upon playing it.

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
Battle screen looks kinda cluttered with the bars everywhere.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
I have just played up to Eleanor's joining and I have some things to say.

The atmoshpere of the game is appealing; it's suspense with chibi. I think the BGM's helped you pull that one off, well done.

The game engine, that is to say all the scripts you have driving the UI, combat and menus, are fantastic. It lends a sense of originality to the game, particularly the spinner in combat.

There are some aspects of the mapping that I would have done differently. For example, the doors leading left or right of the current screen are not readily identifiable; while anyone witha brain in their head could figure it out, I think it detracts from the game. It looks like you're in a room with no exits unless they're up and down.

In combat, the Player Turn message reads Planer Turn, and the enemy turn message is black, mking it difficult to see against the dark backgrounds. Also, the enemies and characters have quite a lot of HP, but do little damage even if (in the characters' case) you hit all the spinner marks.

The use of parentheses in the dialogue throws me off abit, even though I understand why they are there.

All in all, good work, and I'm looking forward to moar. I'm actually going to finish the demo befor I work on my own project today.

Level 73
RMRK Junior
Thanks a lot for the replies and feedback so far, I'll definitely keep it all in mind as I continue~

For example, the doors leading left or right of the current screen are not readily identifiable; while anyone witha brain in their head could figure it out, I think it detracts from the game. It looks like you're in a room with no exits unless they're up and down.

Hmm...do you have any suggestions on what might be a better way to do the sideways doors? I wasn't quite happy with how they look, either, but wasn't sure how else to present them.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 07:26:49 AM by TearsOfNightfall »

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
The way I do it is to have the "wall" tiles stop and the "floor" tile continue out into the border, as shown below.

It's quick and dirty, but the player has readily identifiable exits and gets abetter sense of how big the area is. It also aids the player's brain in memorizing the layout.

Level 73
RMRK Junior
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks, I might give that method a try~

Last Stop
Level 88
Everyone Off
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 92011 Biggest Drama WhoreBronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
premise is interesting, your character bios show some good writing and it looks like you know how to write a story. I'm gonna have to try this one out.

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Counsel2014 Most Mature Member2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 King of RMRK2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 Best Writer2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member2010 Best Writer
I also mirror this. This looks like you've put a lot of work into it, and a job well done overall.
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
Fun game, has it been progressing at all?

Level 73
RMRK Junior

I've been moving a bit slower thanks to schoolwork, but I've been doing some touch ups here and there, and the second dungeon is almost finished. Once I get it done and test it, I'll probably expand the demo to include it~

Level 73
RMRK Junior
A small update - I threw together a website for the project:


A lot of the info there is already in this topic, but it does have some extra content, including an update blog, extra info on NPCs, a journal entry list, a sidequest guide and a full demo walkthrough, and extra/updated screenshots.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 04:35:00 AM by TearsOfNightfall »

I appreciate that you choose to use my music :)