I'm not much of a scripter but I have a lot of ideas for them, it makes me feel like a moocher but none the less, here is my request.
What I think would be cool is a sort of parallel battle animation. And what I mean by that is an animation that stays up while the battle continues. The reason I got this idea is because I had been playing Dragon Age and was like, would you look at that, he's frozen. So I thought It would be snazzy if I could have an animation such as freezing stay on the enemy target for as long as its state lasts. Again, I'm no scripter but I think logical thinking can outline how I think it could be done: Let's say the skill begins a state. In the script it tells you to change the note of the skill to "script.Parallel" that makes it so the skill has the effect. But, now in the script there is one of those " 12=> 23" thingies where you list stuff. But here, the 12 would be the skill's number in the database and the 23 would be when the frame would hold. When the state ends, the pause does as well. I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's all there is to it from my range of knowledge.