Found someone to go with.
The following might be spoilery.
The visuals were, of course, stunning. The soundtrack was absolutely fantastic, but other than that, it just didn't feel like a Tron movie. Sure there were a few cute little throwbacks, but I feel like somewhere along the line Disney forgot what Tron was. It isn't a techno-themed fantasy land, it's a bunch of anthropomorphic personifications of computer programs mulling around cyberspace. Seriously, the programs were
eating food. Wtf? Wasn't it established in the first one that they just drank energy? Did they even have functions? Or are they too busy reading and going to bars to actually do what they're programmed to do? And whats up with the whole "Iso purge"? There are thousands of Isos on the internet. How could there be only one?
I also expected Tron himself to play a bigger role, since he's, y'know, the title of the freaking movie.:|
All in all, I thought it was okay. It was fun to watch. I do prefer the original though.