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Creating music...

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Level 81
I've been thinking of composing some music for my RPG, but I'm not exactly sure which program I should use.

I'm looking for something that is free (I have a budget of $0.00 lol), has tools that allow you to add effects such as fade out for the various instruments and a wide variety of sounds.

I'm still a little new to creating music like this, sorry if i didn't nail any of the terms properly.

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
You could check out LMMS, it's a freeware alternative to Fruity Loops, it's sorta messy though, but if you look at some tutorials you may be OK.
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Level 81
Maybe it wasn't what I was looking for. I think I might just keep things simple and stick to midi music. Do you know of any good composition programs for midi? (I've tried Anvil, but it doesn't really have the variety of sound that I'm looking for. The music making program that comes with Adventure Maker seemed good, but it's done by placing blocks on a page and setting the tempo instead of placing notes, so songs tend to get a little bit long at times)

Would there be some possible mix of the two out there? I've already tried a little digging. I'm hoping for something like anvil (you can place the notes directly on the page, set the tempo, etc...) has a fairly wide variety of sounds and allows you to include different instruments.

I appreciate it :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 75
RMRK Junior
I don't know of any free software for music composition.... unless you want to find a torrent for Fruity Loops Pro or Finale. Personally, I use Finale for stuff in my game and FL Studio on the side for other stuff. Other than that, my only other option if you don't want to download $500 programs illegally is to play it on the piano/keyboard and record what you play using Audacity (a freeware program, just google it)

Level 75
Sorry I ate the Chaos emerald...
I was looking for some thing like that to and the only thing I found that was for free was my sisters keyboard and my brothers guitar...
my weirdness is in a good way,isn't it?