A Replacement RMXP Editor
I've created a github project for this endeavor
https://github.com/Ryex/RPG-Maker-PYThere are numerous problems with RMXP. they are mostly small but they add up quick.
So I was inspired to create a new
editor for the RMXP engine. one that isn't riddled with annoying limitations, avoiding all the shortcomings of the original.
I'm going to make it in Python, as such it will be cross platform. you will be able to edit the game on any platform that can run Python and wxWidgets.
I've already got a plan down for how it will work and I've got some basic code for the map editor and data done.
the purpose of this topic is to. 1) collect suggestions for things that potential users would like to see done different in the RMXP editor, and 2) perhaps recruit people to help with the project (if you would like to help PM me)
SuggestionsI need a list of all the issues that would need to be addressed. all the little thing that could of been done better.
If there is something you would like to suggest please use this format:
Issue Title: Title (give your suggestion a descriptive title so I can identify it in long topics)
Description: What is wrong. (what part of the RMXP editor could of been done better?)
Suggestion: How it could be fixed. (if you were to fix it how would it work?)
also please separate the suggestions from each other and from the rest of the post with at least one blank line.
here is the bbc for that format
[b]Issue Title:[/b] Title
[b]Description:[/b] What is wrong.
[b]Suggestion:[/b] How it could be fixed.
I have some rules/guidelines for what to suggest as there has been some stupidity and misunderstandings.
Rule 1: anything that would require editing the default RTP scripts included with rpg maker will not be considered.
Rule 2: don't be stupid. in other words I reserve the right to condemn a suggestion as stupid and pointless as there are some things that while they may be cool to someone they wouldn't add anything of value to the editor as a whole.
Rule 3: all suggestions must be limited to the editor that means the part of the program the edits maps events and item/armor/monster database stuff. no new functions like the ability to change the resolution, add mode7, add faces set, add better audio ect.
I will keep a running list of suggestions at the bottom of the topic.
also this topic is open for discussion/comments. feel free to express your op here
Photobucket album with updated screen shots of progress
http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/ryex/RPG%20Maker%20PY/Features requested so far:Undo/Redo support
Text Entry Limitation Fix
Collapsing event commands
Paint style Tileset set up
Preview a map in the editor
test passibility on a map in the editor
enhanced map tools: replace tiles, find tiles, select tiles form all over the tiles set to form a costume brush
a simple debugger for the script editor (find missing ends, ), } or tell you if there is to many)
enhanced event editor, ability to type out event code if you want
batch switch and variable replacement, replace switches and variables used in events with another in case you changed the uses of said switch or variable
virtual folders or groupings for organization of lists in the database
make weapons and armor equip-able by classes by groups
better batch text processing. can help you know when a line will run over by what font and size your using
wysiwyg editor for show test that can do mark up
better map zoom options
Chaos-Project has started a communality project to create Advanced RPG Creator (ARC).
As I'm now one of the four core developer sworking on ARC this project has become redundant. the projects are merging and RMPY will form the base of the ARC editor. nothing has been lost, in fact much has been gained. now there are 4 people working on the project and it will come with a new better engine instead of just a better editor.
I hope people aren't disappointed because I'm not.
all the best ~ Ryex