@Sacred: The scriplet? Whoops! My bad, I forgot about it. Will work on it after I finished being busy in RL (tomorr- nay! Friday).
Is this good?
I based it on Shanghai's bar size with a few of my own additions.
This should be okay, at worse I will stretch it through the program itself.
No clue what you meant by mirrored. This cursor is meant to run over the bar with each arrow on the top and bottom. The bar is formated so that the edge of this image flush with the edge of the bar image has the cursor pointing at the edge of the bar within the frame.
I meant symmetric, so this is good.
Did not know what you really wanted here, so I mimicked Shanghai's bar and formatted it the same as the bar frame above.
Good enough, I will cut and paste it in the shape I want it with GIMP.
Where are you getting the button image? is it an icon? I really think there should be more graphics involved in this so I want to know more about this one... Particularly after thinking of Shanghai's script format
Well, I kind of think there should be more graphics too... Anyway, as you noticed, I forgot the buttons. The ones in the Shangai script are fine, but a bit little, so if you could enlarge them to about three times the size of a sprite... (I have a bit of a problem with resolution).
Same complaint as above. I want to know where the buttons are supposed to come from...
Same as above. I could, technically, implement the Shangai scripts directly, and probably I will read them to see if it's possible - that would save me LOTS of problems.
With this I wonder how it's going to work and be placed with the Base image...Will it be place behind? it's taller than the base would be so I wonder what would happen to it... will you bend it as if it's moving and curving in the script? I know I'm kind of finicky, but I really like knowing what and how I'm designing something when I do so.
See above... Also I don't know what 4to6 and 7to9 means in the format... does that mean 4 columns, 6 rows, and 7 columns, 9 rows? This also determines how big I should make the icons that will be in the frame.
I don't know how to bend it, if I did I would try to do that. As for now, I thought of just cutting the sprite, adjusting the viewport and letting it run around. I will cut it so that the images will cycle properly, and restart at the right point (that's the easy part). As for special effects... well, let's first see if it works, okay?
You know, I think I will see if Shangai scripts are useable before making you do unnecessary things... I don't want you to waste your time on something that I can do myself. If I cannot, I will post again.
Thank you for the help!
I want to know where this would be placed in the battle HUD because it seems a bit big, being 24 pixels high And I don't know how it would work being placed in the HUD and everything... Can you explain this a bit better? Even a really bad MSPaint direction with a Melody screen would assist.
Ah, yeah, this is one thing I need either way, so...
Basically, since I do not want to meddle with the basic HUD (it's far too small for another bar) I thought of implementing it above of it. During actor's command selection, then disappearing during proper battle. If you want it smaller, adjust it accordingly.
Also, if you have a different suggestion, please tell me.
When I said I have some problems with the graphics, well, THIS is what I meant. I can understand the basic Sprite, Viewport, Bitmap, update cycle and such; but if I don't know what to do about them...