Nevermind i solved it myself, KGC's script + a compatibility patch happen to have that function when put togheter and configured that way;
found it out in a demo ;p
Switch Party Member Inside Battle
like in FFX
SummaryI want to be able to switch party members from inside the battle, exactly like in FFX, remember? Your active party member selects a command, that command then shows a small window with the names of the party members in the reserve party, you select one, and then he is switched with the active one.
Since i'm using custom scripts, there maybe some useful differences from the standard,
The MOST helpful is this variable : $game_party.set_battlers(n1, n2, n3, n4)Whenever that variable is changed, no matter what part of the script, it changes the battle members in real time, so whatever stuff you put into the new "member switching window", the execute part of it will be altering this variable.
In the ATB code that i will paste below, you can find the
def start_actor_command_selection where we need to add the command to be used to access the new window.
Also in that same script, you will probably have to create a sort of Window_Party (there is Window_Item and Window_Skill in there... so i figure it's something of the same sort). And have it write the names of the party members in the reserve party.
After selecting one, we will trade the active party member for that other one, using that variable from YEZ i told you about. It can be a small simple window,
For that window, you can also try using the one from YEZ, the script link is below, there is a class in it called
Window_PartyActors and it draws a window sort of like the one i want.
Scripts I'm Already UsingTankentai SBS 3.4d + ATB 1.2c
-> I don't have the link, but im going to paste the ATB code part of it, where I added the trigger and where the "Window_Party" will be in.
YEZ Party Selection System
-> MockupsIn this edited screenshot, ive pasted the Window_PartyActors from YEZ into my battle system, so it should look something like that, you can try creating that window from scratch too if you find you can't copy and modify that command.
Code of ATB part of Tankentai SBS (where requested script will probably go)
Kinda got too big and gave me error, so its here on this .txt
I've added a little part of my own in there, which you can remove.
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::A)
$scene =,2)
Basically that calls the Scene_Party from YEZ if you press A in the commands select.
It works for changing the party but you can rearrange and manage all members, which is too much, lol, i just want a script that trades the active member for another one and ends turn, like FFX, not a party rearrangement screen.
And also when it comes back from Scene_Party the recreeation of Scene_Battle resets the ATBS of all in abttle, which sucks ;p