I'm having a small issue getting my battle backgrounds to display correctly. When I test each map they default to my "grassland" battleback instead of using the caves or desert so far. I've double checked my files. They are named correctly and are in the "pictures" folder. So I thought maybe I made a scripting mistake when I added them to the list. If anyone wouldn't mind taking a look and seeing if there's a mistake I may have made, I'd appreciate it.
EDIT: I had a major conflict in my scripts. I corrected it and haven't had a problem since.
# Battle Backgrounds - RMVX
# Written by Synthesize
# January 20, 2008
# Version 1.00A
# * This script is untested. *
module SynBattleB
# Place your battle backgrounds in the 'Pictures' folder (Graphics/Pictures)
# Format = {map_id => Battleback Name}
Battle_background =
1 => "001-Grassland01",
2 => "001-Grassland01",
3 => "001-Grassland01",
4 => "001-Grassland01",
5 => "001-Grassland01",
6 => "001-Grassland01",
7 => "006-Desert01",
8 => "001-Grassland01",
9 => "007-Cave04",
10 => "001-Grassland01",
11 => "001-Grassland01",
12 => "001-Grassland01",
13 => "001-Grassland01",
14 => "001-Grassland01",
15 => "001-Grassland01",
17 => "001-Grassland01",
18 => "001-Grassland01",
19 => "007-Cave04",
20 => "007-Cave04",
21 => "007-Cave04",
22 => "007-Cave04",
23 => "007-Cave04",
24 => "007-Cave04",
# Create the battlefloor?
Create_battlefloor = false
# This was being requested on quite a fe forums now, so I threw a quick script
# together. It is nice and simple, and does what it is suppsoed to do. Once
# RMVX is released in English, then I will add additional features into this.
# Spriteset_Battle
class Spriteset_Battle
alias syn_create_battlefloor create_battlefloor
# Create Battleback
def create_battleback
image = SynBattleB::Battle_background[$game_map.map_id]
@battleback_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
@battleback_sprite.bitmap = Cache.picture(image)
def create_battlefloor
@battlefloor_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
syn_create_battlefloor if SynBattleB::Create_battlefloor == true
# * This script is untested *
# Version 1.00A
# January 20, 2008
# Written by Synthesize
# Battle Backgrounds - RMVX