Edit: i solved it no need to answer
i tried to use it and edited this lines:
0 => ["Vocab::item", 144, "$game_party.members.empty?", false, Scene_Item],
1 => ["Vocab::skill", 128, "$game_party.members.empty?", true, Scene_Skill],
2 => ["Vocab::equip", 51, "$game_party.members.empty?", true, Scene_Equip],
3 => ["Vocab::status", 137, "$game_party.members.empty?", true, Scene_Status],
4 => ["Vocab::save", 133, "$game_system.save_disabled", false, Scene_File,
"true, false, false"],
5 => ["Vocab::game_end", 179, -1, false, Scene_End],
6 => ["Serenade", 134, 2, true, 1],
7 => ["Quests", 178, "$game_system.quest_disabled || $game_party.quests.list.empty?",
false, Scene_Quest, "1"],
8 => ["Bestiary", 177, -1, false, Scene_Catalogue, "20"],
9 => ["Load", 145, "(Dir.glob('Save*.rvdata').size == 0)", false,
Scene_File, "false, false, false"]
# This is where you setup the order that commands appear in the command
# window of the menu. List them by their command ID, as it is explained
# above. The default commands are:
# 0 => Item
# 1 => Skill
# 2 => Equip
# 3 => Status
# 4 => Save
# 5 => End Game
# Those can be changed by you above, if you desire, and you can always add
# more commands with whatever IDs you want. Note, however, that those
# command IDs must appear in the array below or they will NOT appear in the
# initial menu. This array can be modified in-game by the following script
# calls:
# add_custom_command (command_id)
# remove_custom_command (command_id)
# command_id : ID of the command being added/removed from the commands
FSCMS_COMMANDLIST = [0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 4, 9, 5]
to these:
0 => ["Vocab::item", 144, "$game_party.members.empty?", false, Scene_Item],
1 => ["Vocab::skill", 128, "$game_party.members.empty?", true, Scene_Skill],
2 => ["Vocab::equip", 51, "$game_party.members.empty?", true, Scene_Equip],
3 => ["Vocab::status", 137, "$game_party.members.empty?", true, Scene_Status],
4 => ["Vocab::save", 133, "$game_system.save_disabled", false, Scene_File,
"true, false, false"],
7 => ["Vocab::game_end", 179, -1, false, Scene_End]
# This is where you setup the order that commands appear in the command
# window of the menu. List them by their command ID, as it is explained
# above. The default commands are:
# 0 => Item
# 1 => Skill
# 2 => Equip
# 3 => Status
# 4 => Save
# 5 => End Game
# Those can be changed by you above, if you desire, and you can always add
# more commands with whatever IDs you want. Note, however, that those
# command IDs must appear in the array below or they will NOT appear in the
# initial menu. This array can be modified in-game by the following script
# calls:
# add_custom_command (command_id)
# remove_custom_command (command_id)
# command_id : ID of the command being added/removed from the commands
FSCMS_COMMANDLIST = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7]
i also removed the script: add a continue option by BigEd781
when i chose end game, i got this: