Here are the troubles:
First, I made 12 characters and it means 12 swiitch for each character, 1 switch to activate or stop the checking event when an aeon is summoned.
Second, when changing party members, it means I have to use 24 conditional branches (too much) for the call and dismiss event. I can't check it again if I run into problem.
Third, when I add an aeon to the party,( I'm using Dargor multiple party and party changer) it appears in the party changer scene, and it finally ends up as another character.
Fourth, about the teaching item script, it even teaches the character, and that means there's not much difference between members and aeons. In addition, I want a custom scene.
Fifth, for the stat raising, I want to make a relation between the aeon's owner and the aeon. That means when the character increases one stat, the aeon increases some percent of the points. I think that needs script, right?
Sixth, as I'm trying to maker at least 10 aeons, so that's mean I will have to make at least 20 common event, and each one with at least 24 common events??? Tired.
And lastly, not a problem, I want the sprite of the aeon to become larger in battle, by a customizable percent set in the script.
Thanks if anyone takes this request. And sorry if my English has something wrong, as I'm a Vietnamese, not English.