I want a script that help you create certain bonus point like AP,DP,GP,CP,OP that will help the player progress through the games
and can use these points to do the certain things, like relationship of each characters?, purchase bonus skills?, exchange for some rare items?, progressing in events?
What I need in this script
-User can create one or more bonus point/points by using the script
-These points can be easily set to go with game's variables
-Can be easily set how each points are gained; after battles?, certain skills used?, certain actions that help other members?(recovery?), certain events?, shops?, exchangeable?
-Can also lose some points in certain actions like, let a certain character dies in a battle, or choosing to do certain events
-Can be set whether each characters will have their own points, or the points will be public and any character can use it like money, or can only be publicly used by some characters, or only some characters can gain these points
-Can be set to be visible in the menu or not? If visible, where will you see it? along with moneys? in the status pages? near character's face? or a menu command that dedicated for it? or could it be visible through scripts calls?
What I optionally want
-Comparable between each character's own points, and between two different type of points (Like finding whose point is the most, or the least)
-Anything else that seems that it would go well with this script is welcomed
The first idea is that I want to make a development system with the combination of Cosmosphere(Ar tonelico series) and Crystallium(FF13)
-In Ar tonelico series, you will get DPs after battles or in certain events, and you can use it to dive into the heroines to play a dating sim games that can help them unlock new spells
-In FF13, you will get CPs after battles, and you can use it to develop each characters by purchasing statuses, +HP/MP, and new abilities
but I want it to be more flexible, so I request the script like this to help the user to defines their own bonus point/points to fit with their games
and the main reason is that... it's ideal that you mainly gain it from the battles. I don't know how to do that.... so...
if anything is unclear, please, tell me...