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Level 76
Join project pentagram! I know where you live.
This is a trilogy me and a few others have started on RMXP.

Well, the progress has been a little on and off. We are still pretty much at the beginning in terms of the actual game, but we've planned out the whole game almost. Or so we keep thinking. But, just when I finish programming something in, we always get a new idea, then I either start frantically changing the script, or I say "To hell with it! I'm gonna go play bloons". So, yeah, not much progress has been made lately, our game has changed more than you could imagine, though since the start of the project
EDIT: We now know the basic structure of the series
EDIT: I have finished playing bloons, and as such I have programmed in various stuffs
EDIT: Pentagram now has an official website and an official forum.
Forum: http://projectpentagramforums.freeforums.org/
Website: http://projectpentagram.doodlekit.com/home

The trilogy is based off when the arts of magic, or black magic as it was called, was illegal. The game's universe is a pentagram universe. What is that? Well, it means that the entire universe is encompassed in a pentagram. A pentagram using two stars, symmetrical to eachother. Each point has a different element on it, the roman four elements, and at the top of each star, spirit (or Aether). Planet Earth is the center of the universe because it is where earth and water come together, which are the two elements at the center of the pentagram, where the two stars meet, therefore there is only one of each on the pentagram. One star represents heaven, the other hell. Spirit on one side is angel, on the other side demon. Thing is, they, despite being opposite, they were equal forces. Religion and the church have lead people to thinking heaven was good, hell was evil, and that heaven was more powerful a force. In this time, magic was about summoning demons (and in our games, angels too) and using them. It was the same everywhere, though some places had their own version of magic, for instance arabics would summon jinn, or djinn, or as we call them in english, genies (is that plural?), and so on. Witchcraft, or black magic, was illegal, and thus got the main characters of the first two games prisoned. The first game is about Helene Courteney, a girl who had befriended a fallen angel. The details of their past, why the angel was fallen and how they met is a spoiler for the second game, which had two main characters, both imprisoned for magic, in the same cell block. They escape together, which is how they meet. You alternate between their viewpoints. Eventually, they meet some people and do some stuff, which will all be a spoiler as well. The third game we know nothing about so far except it will take place in the industrial revolution and it may have a kraken using his tentacles to control a ship as a boss, I think that was something in Nelson's big pile of abandoned ideas.

Pentagram is a part-Faustian, part-Philosophical story of the tragedies caused by difference of opinion, and the perceptions of the world. Join Leoric and Sana on an epic flight into the four cardinal points, and a glimpse of the elusive fifth season.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 08:13:55 PM by lemonpie »

Level 81
Sounds interesting, but if you need people to help you, you should post this in "Recruitment" instead of "new projects".

Level 76
Join project pentagram! I know where you live.
Sounds interesting, but if you need people to help you, you should post this in "Recruitment" instead of "new projects".
There. I have posted a recruitment thread in the recruitment forum and changed this thread accordingly. Happy now?

Level 76
A local spriter.
Sounds very good! I love it! My eye is being kept on this one.

I heard a joke once.
A man goes to the doctor and says he can't get over a great depression.
Doctor says, the Great Clown Poliauchi is in town, go see him and you'll feel better!
But Doctor! He says, I am Poliauchi. Funny huh?
Then everybody laughs and the curtains close.