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Split party system and caterpiller

Started by jaraide, August 29, 2010, 05:11:48 AM

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What you need
1 event
1 common event
lots of switches and variables
Basic RPG maker 2003 knowledge
A CMS Tutorial here ( (optional)

Start by making you map with no events.
Then make an event called dummy. Dummy needs 2 tabs. Tab 1 should have the condition if hero 1 is in party, this tab should have there sprite for hero 2. Tab 2 should have the condition if hero 2 is in party, this tab should have there sprite for hero 1. That's dummy done.

Ok now finish your maps events. On every future map make sure the first event you place is dummy. If you don't then things will get interesting.

Now for the common event. It can be a CMS but for simplicity sake I am just going to make it a button press. Start with the enter pass word command (or key input process) and store it in a variable (I have called this activate). Now use a fork condition (or conditional branch) to say if activate = 20 with no else case (I used 20 because that is the + key, feel free to use your own). In there memorise the location of dummy and the hero. I recommend using the memorise hero position command for the hero and the change variable command for the dummy, however I have done it all via the change variable command so you can see how it works.

This next bit is the tricky bit. Make the screen fade out and make the hero move to dummy's location and vice versa. First Hide screen then use the change screen tone (or tint screen) command and set all sliders to 0. Then move event to the hero x and y locations and teleport to memorised place but use the dummy x and y locations to swap the dummy and the player. Don't forget to change the party and move one hero out and the other hero in to do this Simply use a fork condition saying if hero 1 is in party swap hero 2 in and hero 1 out, if not swap hero 1 in and hero 2 out. Finally return the screen to normal.

On both screen tints I have made it instant by changing the transition time to 0.

There you have it a basic split party system. However like this only the active party member will be able to battle. To improve this uses a switch instead of adding and removing party members. This is a simple yet affective change and depends entirely what effect you are looking for. If using a switch instead of a variable take out the conditional branch and replace it with a command to toggle a switch for the hero and change sprite association appropriately. Also make the dummy use the switch as well. Example 1 uses party changes and example 2 uses a switch. (Attached)

Ok now let's make a caterpillar system caller. Make a common even with a enter pass word command. Then make a fork condition for when the variable (I called it trigger) is 21 (for using the ?' key) toggle the switch caterpillar.

Start by creating a loop with a 0.1 second wait at the start. Set all the x and y coordinates like before. Now make a fork condition. In this fork condition say that if hero y is small than dummy y then make dummy step up.
Next make a fork condition. In this fork condition say that if hero y is larger than dummy y then make dummy step down.
Next make a fork condition. In this fork condition say that if hero x is smaller than dummy x then make dummy step left.
Next make a fork condition. In this fork condition say that if hero x is larger than dummy x then make dummy step right.


There are 2 main uses of this system. One is to have switches that must be held pressed down and the other is to utilise skills of different characters.

1) To make a switch that must be pressed start by making the switch event that simply activates the switch on hero touch. Then all around the switch place events that deactivate the switch on hero touch. This simply means that you have to press the switch as one hero, change and move on as the other one.

2) To use a skill make a skill launch point and use a Fork condition. In the fork condition use the hero in party or the switch as appropriate. Then program the skill.

to download examples here

Thanks for reading my tutorial. I hope it has been helpful. Next tutorial, lock picking systems