I'm trying to make my first game and the main Factor that will affect it are the Videos or movies that it'll play. I've read threads that specify some factors about this, such as:
http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,30343.new.html - but can only play it from the start using .ini file
http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=57663.msg559454 - someone made a script but he doesn't want to share :p
what I needed was something like this:
http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2351#entry16759the downfall of it is that:
1. It affects the game and causes it to lag
2. The Movie loops infinitely
Someone suggested to run ME but it could only be used during effects and runs on a different window.
Sorry for the long introduction, I guess I wanted to point out some idea and someone to collate and debug them, i'm just starting to familiarize myself with scripts. Is there a script that will:
1. Run an AVI or SWF movie before the title screen.
2. Run an AVI or SWF movie within the game that won't cause lag and won't loop infinitely
3. Run an AVI or SWF movie once an event occurs or a trigger happens.