The game takes place between the events of Shin Megami Tensei and Shin Megami Tensei II. In the Tokyo of the game's futuristic scene, sometime around the 21st century (Year 202X), survivors of a war known as the "Great Destruction" live in small constructed shelters awaiting the day when humanity can be rebuilt. These survivors, led by a group known as the "Seven Philosophers", constructed a massive tower which eventually became known as "Shinjuku Babel". The remaining survivors then retreated underground and constructed a refugee city known as "Home III". Here, the player begins their exploration of the world of MegaTen. In this post-apocalyptic world, demonic forces run rampant and it is the player's job to defeat them. Players are given the option to be in one of three groups: Law, who try to preserve the system and bring it back together; Chaos, who try to break the system; or Neutral, freelance mercenary types. A Players Alignment (Law/Neutral/Chaos) can be changed through the game either by answering questions on certain acts, or donating money to Law or Chaos churches. Players can, while developing their own character, capture the already mentioned "Demons" and also "Spirits" through the use of specialized skills, then use these captured creatures to battle other monsters in combat. These demons can also be fused together to create more powerful demons. Demon use is based on alignment, skill, level and abilities of the players. Players can also complete quests to find additional items, learn new skills and explore more of the world of MegaTen.
New to Megaten?
Official SiteI also have a clan (guild); Reynard on this game. If you want to join, just post or get to me online and I will add you no questions asked. It's for everybody and anybody on RMRK.
Current Clan Members:Dyso = Tezuka
Kaidou = Redwyn
Now with an IRC channel!
Web client versionFor OS clients:
Server: ( can also be used)
Channel: #Megaten
NOTE: I can only friend or clan add you if you are online, so make sure you post here, tell me on the IRC channel or PM me you are online so I can do it.
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