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How to Step Backwards? [rm2k]

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Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior
How do you make the hero (or another event) step "backwards" in rm2k? I see "step forwards" but not backwards. I have looked through the "move event" menu very carefully for anything that might help... Right now I am using

Turn 180 degrees
Step Forwards
Turn 180 degrees

for my CBS when the enemy parries and you are knocked back, but it doesn't look like I want it to. I know that you can do this, because I was playing a (great) rm2k game called "The Way" and there are several cutscenes in which this is done. Probably it's super-simple, and I'm going to feel like a jackass when someone tells me how obvious it is. Thanks a lot!
An nation's brave captain must choose between his morality, and what he knows is right.
A village handyman on the run must learn fast the way of the sword, or die by it.
A farmer's daughter is captured, abused, turned into a mad woman.
A ruthless queen is forced to kill her own people to save thousands of lives.

Yeah my game is gonna be cool. I'm still learning, though. :)

Level 84
This text is way too personal.
Bronze - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - GIAW Halloween
Not sure if this is in RM2K, but there should be something called "Direction Fix", which fixes the direction of the player. Turn that on, use your code, then turn it off.

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior
Yes, the direction fix thing works... but the turn 180 degrees thing kinda cancels it out. I'm starting to think maybe I have to do a big complicated conditional branch like

if hero faces left: direction fix, step right
else, if hero faces up: direction fix, step down
else, if hero faces....

Jesus, this CBS is getting way complicated. lol
An nation's brave captain must choose between his morality, and what he knows is right.
A village handyman on the run must learn fast the way of the sword, or die by it.
A farmer's daughter is captured, abused, turned into a mad woman.
A ruthless queen is forced to kill her own people to save thousands of lives.

Yeah my game is gonna be cool. I'm still learning, though. :)

Level 83
Kidfox70. It happens.
Cozziekuns is right. Here's the thing. You need to lose the 180 thing completely. What needs to happen is a Direction fix and then it needs to move the way you need it to. But you are right a conditional branch is needed. What you should do is in the spoiler. But I think that you should consider instead of going backwards, the player should jump back.  :)
(It should be noted I've never used RM2K)

Spoiler for:
So everything will work perfectly this way. Though it may seem alot, you could actually make it a Common Event that would effect any NCP or Player you wish, instead of always copying and pasteing. Also you should make it that if the Move Commands are impossible, then it should be void. Cause if you're player is up against a wall and this happens, the game may freak out, which it wont if the action is void. That seems to be it.

Conditonal branch: Player faces left
Move Event: PLayer
Direction fix
Move right

Conditonal branch: Player faces Right
Move Event: PLayer
Direction fix
Move Left

Conditonal branch: Player faces Up
Move Event: PLayer
Direction fix
Move Down

Conditonal branch: Player faces Down
Move Event: PLayer
Direction fix
Move Up



I don't say bless you when people sneeze, cause i'm not God. Blessing people is his job. Lolo?

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior
Oh yea! It didn't occur to me to use common events in this way. I would have done that, but I didn't want a full page worth of code in my enemies events just for a minor thing like this. Thanks a lot!
An nation's brave captain must choose between his morality, and what he knows is right.
A village handyman on the run must learn fast the way of the sword, or die by it.
A farmer's daughter is captured, abused, turned into a mad woman.
A ruthless queen is forced to kill her own people to save thousands of lives.

Yeah my game is gonna be cool. I'm still learning, though. :)