I'm sorry, i read the post about newcomers and lechers and all about search and all, yes its my first post and yes my acc here is new... i hope someone have pity and make that for me =), i found an interesting script about the use of HP instead of MP for some characters and i plan to use it too^^
well the title is enough description for what i need but...
i need an system that allows the use of various consuption bars for skills
for example Rage for warriors, rage in many games works like the meter maximum and minimum are 0-100 and the bar replenishes by taking damage, dealing damage, and using lesser tactical skills, for example;
"dash" in world of warcraft, it doesn't give any major damage or instan treat but it stuns the target for 3 sec in abt or 1 turn for turn battles its weak but have tactical effect and replenish some amount of rage.
obs; forgive any error on text, english isnt my native language, i used the spell to fix some things^^ but we can never know.