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how to call a few things through scripts

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Level 81
#1 Zelda Fan/ Kh fan
Ok so i am making a custom equip/item menu and i want to know how to do something like this:

To do so i need to know a few things.
1. How would i make each item have it's own individual picture

2. How could i call a picture behind all of the choices everytime they are mentioned
(ex: in the picture it has a red bar behind the weapon, a green behind the helmet and plate, and a blue for accessory.)
(Accidently put 2 accessories lol)

3. How would i make it so that you have to chose an actor to access their equipment
(ex: If both the char menu and the item options scroll up and down i don't want it to glitch so you would have to click on sora's name or actor 2's name to go to the menu to change their equipment.)

4. How would i make it so that you have to chose a peice of equipment to access a menu to change it
(ex: Same as #3 you have to click on the item ex."kingdom key" to open a menu to change it.)

5. How would i make it show only 1 item and scroll for the rest?
(ex: If you choose "kingdom key" it would open weapons and show only 1 with the option to scroll up or down")


6. How would i make the weapon/armour show its stats?
(ex: If you chose "kingdom key" it would show atk and str of it, and if you choose firaga bracelet it would show def.)

Phew :P thats all lol. If you cant tell im trying to make a kh menu type thing
I have mostly everything i need i just need to know what methods/codes to use.

Rep: +0/-0Level 72
this is mixing me up a bit. you're asking too much. also, most of this is basically added in the defualt game settings anyway. all you really need is more equipment options.... personally i think you should take a look at your defualt scripts. see if you can change any of the equipment scripts now, i will look into it for you if you can't.