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Fix Pictures to Map

Started by modern algebra, June 17, 2010, 11:40:48 PM

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modern algebra

Fix Pictures to Map
Version: 1.1a
Author: modern algebra
Date: July 28, 2011

Version History

  • <Version 1.1a> 07.28.2011 - Made a minor change to view settings
  • <Version 1.1> 08.15.2010 - Fixed a bug that occured when the map was refreshed and pictures with special z values would not reset properly. Also got rid of the "layer" switch feature, since it occured to me that it was only useful in very narrow situations. Instead simply setting the variable to anything not 0 and less than 300 will appear in the lowest layer, while a variable set to 0 would be in the normal layer and use default z position, and a variable set greater than 300 would be set directly to that z in the normal layer
  • <Version 1.0> 06.17.2010 - Original Release


This allows you to set the position of a picture by the X and Y position of the map, rather than the screen, so that the picture won't move with you when the screen scrolls. It also has a couple other features, such as allowing you to set the Z value to show below characters, or below the tiles to add another parallax (kind of).

For a better description of what this script does, see the request topic:,39049.0.html


  • Allows you to fix a picture to map coordinates, rather than screen coordinates
  • Allows you to set the Z value of a picture, meaning you can show pictures below characters, below tiles, or below parallaxes if you wish


Not really screenshot material. The picture just doesn't stay in the same screen position but is instead fixed to the tilemap.


See the header for detailed instructions. Remember that the values you set in the script are the IDs of the switches and variable you use to control the script in-game. To control whether or not to fix a picture to map, you use the in-game switch you specified.


Note: Copying from SMF2 Codeboxes does not work if using Internet Explorer. It copies everything onto one line. Either get a different browser or get it from Pastebin.
#    Fix Pictures to Map
#    Version: 1.1a
#    Author: modern algebra (
#    Date: July 28, 2011
#  Description:
#    This allows you to set the position of a picture by the X and Y position
#   of the map, rather than the screen, so that the picture won't move with you
#   when the screen scrolls. It also has a couple other features, such as
#   allowing you to set the Z value to show below characters, or below the
#   tiles to add another parallax (kind of).
#  Instructions:
#    Paste this script into its own slot above Main and below Materials in the
#   Script Editor (F11).
#    This switch is run by two switches and one variable that you specify.
#   They are:
#      FPM_SWITCH - This switch toggles the fix pictures feature. When this
#          switch is ON and a picture is shown, then that picture will be fixed
#          to the map coordinates you specify, not to the screen. This means
#          that if the screen scrolls, the picture will not scroll with it. It
#          is useful if you want to use a picture as an additional map layer,
#          or as a parallax. Note that this still sets it to pixels, so if you
#          want a picture to show up at the map coordinates 1, 2, you would set
#          it to 32, 64. To specify which switch should be used to control this
#          feature, go to line 46 and change the value to the ID of the switch
#          you want to use to control this feature.
#      FPM_Z_VARIABLE - This allows you to set the priority of the picture.
#          When showing a picture, the value of this ariable will determine the
#          z value of the picture. When the variable with this ID is set to 0,
#          the pictures are shown at their normal z value. Setting this
#          variable to 1 will place it below characters but above non-star
#          tiles. Setting this variable to 2 will draw the picture above all
#          tiles and characters except for "Above Characters" Events. Setting
#          it to 3 will put it below all tiles and characters but above the
#          parallax. Setting it to 4 will put it below everything, including
#          the parallax. Setting it to any other value directly sets the z of
#          that sprite to that value. To specify which variable controls this
#          feature, go to line 47 and set FPM_Z_VARIABLE to the ID of the
#          variable you want to use.
FPM_SWITCH = 1         # See line 22
FPM_Z_VARIABLE = 1     # See line 32
# ** Game_Picture
#  Summary of Changes:
#    attr_reader - map_locked
#    aliased method - initialize, show

class Game_Picture
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :map_locked
  attr_reader :fpm_z
  attr_reader :fpm_vp
  # * Object Initialization
  alias malg_fixpicmp_initz_6yh3 initialize
  def initialize (*args)
    @map_locked = false
    @fpm_vp = false
    malg_fixpicmp_initz_6yh3 (*args) # Run Original Method
    @fpm_z = 100 + self.number
  # * Show Picture
  alias ma_fxpm_showpic_2dx4 show
  def show (*args)
    ma_fxpm_showpic_2dx4 (*args) # Run Original Method
    @map_locked = $game_switches[FPM_SWITCH]
    @fpm_vp = ($game_variables[FPM_Z_VARIABLE] != 0 && $game_variables[FPM_Z_VARIABLE] <= 300)
    @fpm_z = case $game_variables[FPM_Z_VARIABLE]
    when 0 then 100 + self.number
    when 1 then 0
    when 2 then 199
    when 3 then -50
    when 4 then -150
      @fpm_z = $game_variables[FPM_Z_VARIABLE]

# ** Sprite_Picture
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new attr_accessor - fpm_vp1, fpm_vp2
#    aliased method - update

class Sprite_Picture
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :fpm_vp1
  attr_accessor :fpm_vp2
  # * Frame Update
  alias ma_fpm_updt_oxoy_5tb3 update
  def update (*args)
    pic_name = @picture_name
    ma_fpm_updt_oxoy_5tb3 (*args) # Run Original Method
    if pic_name != @picture_name
      self.viewport = @picture.fpm_vp ? @fpm_vp1 : @fpm_vp2
      @picture_name = pic_name if self.viewport.nil?
      self.ox, self.oy = 0, 0 # Reset OX and OY for new picture
    # Update X position if the picture is fixed to map coordinates
    if @picture.map_locked
      self.ox, self.oy = $game_map.display_x / 8, $game_map.display_y / 8
    self.z = @picture.fpm_z

# ** Spriteset_Map
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - create_pictures

class Spriteset_Map
  # * Create Pictures
  alias malg_fxpix_crtpi_5oq1 create_pictures
  def create_pictures (*args)
    malg_fxpix_crtpi_5oq1 (*args) # Run Original Method
    @picture_sprites.each { |sprite| sprite.fpm_vp1, sprite.fpm_vp2 = @viewport1, @viewport2 }


[spoiler=OriginalWij Fixed Pictures Conversion Patch]
This is a conversion patch in case a person, for whatever reason, wants to start using my Fix Pictures to Map script where they had previously been using OriginalWij's Fixed Pictures script and don't want to go through their whole game to fix it up to work with my script's settings

#    OriginalWij Fixed Pictures Conversion Patch for Fix Pictures to Map 1.1a
#    Version: 1.0
#    Author: modern algebra (
#    Date: July 28, 2011
#  Description:
#    This is a conversion patch in case a person, for whatever reason, wants to
#   start using my Fix Pictures to Map script where they had previously been
#   using OriginalWij's Fixed Pictures script and don't want to go through
#   their whole game to fix it up to work with my script's settings
#  Instructions:
#    Remove OriginalWij's Fixed Pictures script altogether. Paste this script
#   into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but it must be below
#   my Fix Pictures to Map script.

# ** Game Picture
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - show

class Game_Picture
  # * Show Picture
  alias mlg_fixpics_owconv_show_7tg1 show
  def show (*args, &block)
    mlg_fixpics_owconv_show_7tg1 (*args, &block)
    if ("[FIXED]") # OriginalWij Conversion
      @map_locked, @fpm_vp, @fpm_z = true, false, 100 + self.number



  • modern algebra


  • joy, for requesting this script


Please post in this topic at RMRK for bug reports or questions regarding this script. Do not PM me.

Known Compatibility Issues

No known compatibility issues.


Demo is attached (need to be logged in).

All the demo does is show a couple pictures fixed to the map. I probably should have done a contrast and shown some pictures not fixed to the map, but the basic idea is that if you want to show a pic not fixed to the map, you turn the switch off right before showing; if you want to fix a picture to the map, you turn that switch ON.


There seems to be a problem with this script! I think. 

I have the script set up so the picture will appear underneath the "above character" priority. Works great! Until I enter into the menu (default menu).  When I exit the menu, it's as if the set up was undone.  While the picture is still there, it's above the "above character" priority.  I'm not sure what's causing this.  I'm still trying to figure out what to change to fix it, but I was curious if you had any ideas.

It's a really spiffy script for someone who maps with parallaxes and I'd hate for it to become unusable by me if I can't figure this out.


I think SLP has the same thing going on... I didn't incorporate the script, but I playtested an area using it and I started in the area and there is an "above character" picture, only it's below character until I open the menu, then it's properly above.

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Oh, my friend and I figured out the bug that I am encountering.  We don't know how to fix it, but we're pretty sure this is why it's happening: When the map is recreated, the pictures are created before the viewports are.  So the pics viewport is nil and it defaults to being over everything.  The problem arises when you return to the Scene_Map from another scene (such as the menu).

Terra: did you set up the pictures correctly? I know there is a mode where it will appear below the characters... but it's being reset by going into the menu and out (like what I mention above), so whatever it was doing was undone and then placed above everything like pictures by default are.

ALSO! I found another problem that relates probably to the Scene_Map.  If you transfer to a new map, the same bug occurs! Therefore, the picture resets and goes above the "above character" priority events.

modern algebra

Thanks for the bug reports guys. I will post the updated script shortly. You are right that the problem is with viewports, but not quite right as to where it goes wrong. Viewports are created before pictures - the problem resides with how I communicate what the viewports are to the sprites and the fact that I communicate them too late. Anyway, it's an easy fix and you will see it shortly.


Hmm...first, sorry for my english...

What I wanted to ask is to please you could show more of an image, I need to display a 5 at the same time, on the same map in order to display the HUD, I hope it is possible to request that I make and most of all I hope not necroposting XD.

In short, I wish you could show more than 1 image.

P.D.: that script is awesome.!

modern algebra

You can show up to 20 images by default, though.

All you need to do is identify it by a different number. See the attached screenshot. What I've circled in red is the number. It can be anything from 1 - 20. If you wish to operate on the picture at all (Move, Rotate, etc...) you just need to identify the picture by the number you use when you show it.

If you need more than 20, you can use my Extra Pictures script as well.


iam sorry MA
can you make the demo for me ?  :(
i don't know how to use this script

iam sorry iam bad in english :(


I have a question:

Ok so the first switch FPM_switch -I set to 26, i placed an image(#2 - does it matter what picture? I have a script that sets "over head" - what character walk under with the title [FIXED]image.png as fixed for parallaxing) at 0,0 and turned on the switch, set the PM_Z_VARIABLE = 1 so the character can walk on it (from my understanding) -how ever when loading the game, the picture still moves....


Are you using OriginalWij's Fix Picture script? Depending on which comes first in the script list, Wij's might be over-writing the changes made by MA's script as they both alias the 'update' method in 'Sprite_Picture'. If at all possible, just use MA's script ... it has more options and does exactly the same thing as Wij's, just in a different way (without the [FIXED] in the graphic).

UPDATED 05-29-14

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v2.5

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v1.5


I would but I am running into this problem I thought this script could help me fix.

I have a "above map" that uses [FIXED] - so yes to your are you using question, but its for an upstairs:

and I wanted to make that whole area up their - where the book cases are - walk able while keeping it "above the players" I thought this script could fix that issue, kind of layer two of them, one above, and then one where the players could walk on it....

apparently not...


I think it might work ... you could have MA's script handle that all. Maybe have an event on the stairs set the upper area as 'below players' when the player walks up them and then when they walk down them, have it set the area as 'above player'.

UPDATED 05-29-14

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v2.5

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v1.5


You could also just event it.

A touch event at the top of the stairs and at the bottom of the stairs can flip between two pictures - one with the upper floor, the other without.  :)
My current project:


I like that Idea Lunarea!!!

How ever I want both the scripts - as that's too many maps to go through and change - so How can we make the both compatible?

or can I do this with the current script I have? I feel like we should move this conversation....


Mm, maybe put MA's script lower than Wij's ... that might work, but I don't know for sure.

UPDATED 05-29-14

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v2.5

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v1.5


it didn't >_< if MA"s was done through determing which picture based on the number assigned to that picture, and then made compatible I would deff use it. alas I may have to put a man infront of those stairs and be like no you cannot pass


Have you tried taking the [FIXED] text out of the file name? That should allow for MA's script to take over in that instance ... I think.

UPDATED 05-29-14

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v2.5

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v1.5


again it would be very compliated and I have multiple pictures in some instances - even pictures that move. Its ok I will just block off the second story


No, I don't mean remove the [FIXED] text from all of your files ... just the one that you're using in that instance.

UPDATED 05-29-14

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v2.5

UPDATED 07/04/15 - v1.5


ya i tried that - scripts are incompatible


do you want to make me a demo ? :lol:
tq before

modern algebra

Umm, sure. When I find the time. Which may not be for a long time.

As for the OriginalWij incompatibility, link me to that script and I will write a conversion patch for it so that your previous work won't be lost by the switch.


This script is pretty amazing. and it does wonders for overlay mapping. Still, I'm running into a bit of a problem.

I apologize if it's been asked before, but is there any way to have the pictures affected by screen-tint events? Whenever screen-tints come into play, the pictures remain the same colour they were before. Any help on this guys?


modern algebra

Well, as long as the Z variable is set to anything <=300 and not 0 (since that is default) then it will inherit the screen's tone. Since anything above 200 should be above every default thing (as far as I know, setting the Z variable to anything between 201 and 299 should do what you want.


I, personally, just use another semi-transparent picture for tint. You can preview the color quickly in a screenshot or parallax map. Not only is it easier to get the specific color quickly, but you can vary opacity to add more realism. Things like lighter sections near lamps and deeper shadows in dark areas on night-time maps are pretty neat.
My current project: