1. is there a way to call/run specific common events when a character increases in level?
2.1 also, since some characters level at different times, is there a way to link the specific actor leveling to a specific common event?
2.2 like if Basil leveled, and you have a common event (proficiencies) that gives him a choice between learning
'weapon specialization' or 'endurance'
3.1 finally, if any of this is possible, is it also possible to have events called at level intervals, such as every other level or every 3 levels, or
3.2 is it possible to specify common events to fire-off at specific levels, such as level 27 or 83?
I'm asking because sometimes it seems to make more sense to have a 'run on level' option rather than hundreds of switches, parallel or autorun processing.
i'm also hoping there's just a place somewhere in the script editor that I can toss some snippet that essentially is the same as 'run common event[123]' or whatever.