No. A Varbile would only work if he's adding the Endings in order. A switch can be added for each ending, no matter what order he gets it. What I'm saying is that if the world self destruct ending is unlocked, (adding a plus one to a Varible would tell the game A ending was unlocked, but not which one) the Switch would turn on. The player doesn't do the kill the Goblin quest, so the Gates to Hell Open up ending isn't unlocked (which of course screw things up if you're doing Varibles). The Player does the feather in the Hay stack Quest, so the World peace ending is unlocked, a Switch would turn on. At the end of the game, the Game can read what endings are unlocked and what are not. A Varible (again, unless the endings are all in order, it wouldn't worked. Also, he'd need another Varible to add to the endings he didn't unlock) would only keep track of the number of endings found or not found.