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[Help] Ending Catalog

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Level 83
I dont care doesnt mean I dont understand
I've tried to do it myself. But I couldnt do it  :-\

Im making a game with more than 20 different endings. And I want to make a Ending Catalog where information about the ending takes part. This way player will see how many endings he managed to find and how many left undiscovered.  ;9 Can someone help please ?

Level 76
RM2K3 Studied Learner
You could use switches to do that, AKA, getting Ending1 will activate the switch Ending1Complete. I'm not sure how to implement that into a menu, but if you could figure that out you'd be good to go!  :D
Everything is always exactly $10 more than you can afford... unless you can get somebody to loan you ten dollars.

Level 83
Kidfox70. It happens.
He's right a Switch would be good for this. The way you could make a menu for it could be as simple as messages, conditional branches, and lables or a show picture command menu. I think if you give some more detail, we'd be able to help you better. Is the player looking at a quest log, that has endings listed? That can be checked all through out the game? Or, at the end of the game is the player given choices (Of the different endings) that the player has to choose from?

Basicly, how is the infomation being viewed by the player?
I don't say bless you when people sneeze, cause i'm not God. Blessing people is his job. Lolo?

wouldn't a variable be easier? add one for each ending he takes.

Level 83
Kidfox70. It happens.
No. A Varbile would only work if he's adding the Endings in order. A switch can be added for each ending, no matter what order he gets it. What I'm saying is that if the world self destruct ending is unlocked, (adding a plus one to a Varible would tell the game A ending was unlocked, but not which one) the Switch would turn on. The player doesn't do the kill the Goblin quest, so the Gates to Hell Open up ending isn't unlocked (which of course screw things up if you're doing Varibles). The Player does the feather in the Hay stack Quest, so the World peace ending is unlocked, a Switch would turn on. At the end of the game, the Game can read what endings are unlocked and what are not. A Varible (again, unless the endings are all in order, it wouldn't worked. Also, he'd need another Varible to add to the endings he didn't unlock) would only keep track of the number of endings found or not found.
I don't say bless you when people sneeze, cause i'm not God. Blessing people is his job. Lolo?

I know.

This way player will see how many endings he managed to find and how many left undiscovered.

From his first post, it appears that he do only need to know how many endings, not which ones.

Level 83
Kidfox70. It happens.
Well, I guess I infured that he wanted to give information on the endings that were unlocked and tell what endngs were left to unlock. But as you put it, a Varible is by far the easyer way to do it. Though as far As I can see it, you'd need two Varibles to keep track which you've unlocked and haven't. Sorry If I've added usless info.  :)

I don't say bless you when people sneeze, cause i'm not God. Blessing people is his job. Lolo?

Why would he need two vars?

@endings = 0

add 1 to @endings each time the player hits an ending.

endings completed = @endings current value

endings left = max amount of endings - @endings current value.

Level 84
This text is way too personal.
Bronze - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - GIAW Halloween
.rvdata objects get renewed when the button "New Game" is pressed, so using variables is out of the question UNLESS you:

a) Dump the variable into another file after each ending.
b) Just transfer the player to the beginning each time.

So yeah. Anyway, Valdred's right. Only one instance variable needs to be made. If your eventing it, then I should think you need to free up two spaces.

Why? The player will save the game and automatically dump all variables into the save file, inclkuding how many endings he have completed.

Level 84
This text is way too personal.
Bronze - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - GIAW Halloween
I was worried that Virusasa was going to make it so that the player had to make a new game each time instead of loading a save data, or that the ending catalogue was going to be accessed from the title.

Level 83
I dont care doesnt mean I dont understand
well actually I asked for a Title option :D  with little information of ending. :D Can you guyz make a tutorial I dont get what you are talkin about :D

Level 83
I dont care doesnt mean I dont understand
Sorry for double  posting. I think I gotta tell what Im tryin to do more clearly.

- It will be on the title screen. Below the "New Game" or " Load Game"

-When you open it you will see a list. Undiscovered endings wil be written like "???????" and discovered ones like"Ending-1" "Ending-2" etc.

-When you select an ending. It will show a little information about the ending like :"You fall asleep while sleeping and a assasin killed you."

-Am I clear enough now ? =( Please help.

Level 83
I dont care doesnt mean I dont understand
Bump ='( Heeeelp