I have problems with the script. i get a sintax error at line 185 and then 221
# Equipment Set Bonuses
# Version: 1.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: May 24, 2010
# Description:
# This script allows you to set bonuses to stats if an actor is wearing
# equipment of the same set, such as in Diablo II or Dragon Age: Origins.
# With this script, for instance, you could make a sword with ATK 10 and
# a Shield with DEF 10, but if you have both that sword and shield equipped
# you would get an additional 5 ATK and DEF, so that you would get 15 ATK and
# 15 DEF. By default, you can make sets that can give bonuses to maxhp, maxmp,
# atk, def, spi, and agi, as well as apply states.
# Instructions:
# Place this script in its own slot in the Script Editor (F11), somewhere
# below Materials but above Main.
# To setup sets and the bonuses they will give, go to line x38 and read the
# instructions located there.
# To assign an equipment to a set, simply put the following code in its
# notebox:
# \SET[set_id]
# set_id : the ID of the set this equipment belongs to, as per the
# setup at line 48.
# Note that you can assign the same piece of equipment to multiple sets by
# placing a comma and writing the next set_id, like so:
# \SET[set_id_1, set_id_2, ..., set_id_n]
ESB_SET_BONUSES = { # <- Do not touch this line
# This is where you set up the sets, give them a name, and determine what
# bonuses they give if an actor is wearing a complete set. The format for
# setting it up is:
# 1 => {
# :name => "Volfking Set",
# :states => [state_ids],
# :maxhp => 150,
# :maxmp => 50,
# :atk => 20,
# :def => 20,
# :spi => 20,
# :agi => 20
# }
# set_id => {
# :name => "name",
# :states => [state_ids],
# :maxhp => maxhp_bonus,
# :maxmp => maxmp_bonus,
# :atk => atk_bonus,
# :def => def_bonus,
# :spi => spi_bonus,
# :agi => agi_bonus
# }
# where:
# set_id - the ID of the set. This is used to identify which equipment
# belongs to which set, which you do in the note field of the equipment.
# See line 27 for details. Note that this must be an integer, but beyond
# that can be anything. Whatever you do though, this must be unique, so
# don't make more than one set with this ID.
# "name" - the name of the set. This is what will show up in the help box
# when you press the Display button (see line yy to set) on a set item.
# It can be used for more than one set, if you want to create bonuses
# for partial sets.
# [state_ids] - this is an array of states that should be applied if an
# actor has completed this set. So, if you want an actor who wears a
# complete set to have a state applied, put the ID of that state in this
# array, like so: [10] - that would apply state 10 (by default, DEF UP)
# for as long as the complete set is equipped. [9, 10] would apply both
# states 9 and 10 (by default, ATK UP and DEF UP).
# stat_bonus - the rest of them are the value of whatever bonus you want
# applied to that stat. So, if you want a complete set to give a bonus
# of 10 to DEF and a bonus of 5 to agi, you would have:
# :def => 10,
# :agi => 5
# If you do not set a stat, it will default to 0, meaning it won't give
# a bonus to that particular stat.
# 1 => {
# :name => "Leopold's Outfit",
# :atk => 5,
# :def => 15,
# :agi => 3
# },
# That code creates a set with ID 1, meaning that all items that have the code
# \set[1] in their note field must be equipped for these bonuses to be active.
# The name that shows up when hovering over an item of that script and pressing
# the display button is Leopold's Outfit. When all items of that set are
# equipped, the actor gets a bonus of 5 to his/her attack, 15 to his/her
# defence, and 3 to his/her agility.
# 3 => {
# :name => "Heaven's Wrath",
# :states => [9]
# :maxhp => 250,
# :maxmp => -250,
# :spi => -25
# },
# That code creates a set with ID 3, meaning that all items that have the code
# \set[3] in their note field must be equipped for these bonuses to be active.
# The name that shows up when hovering over an item of that script and pressing
# the display button is Heaven's Wrath. When all items of that set are equipped,
# the actor has the state with ID 9 applied (ATK UP by default), gets an extra
# 250 MaxHP, loses 250 MaxMP, and loses 25 Spirit
# Note that you can potentially add more stats via ESB_STAT_MODS at line zz,
# but only if you are using some script that gives more stats to actors and it
# follows the same format as the atk, def, spi, and agi methods. Read the
# instructions at line zz for more details.
1 => {
:name => "",
:states => [],
:maxhp => 0,
:maxmp => 0,
:atk => 0,
:def => 0,
:spi => 0,
:agi => 0
2 => { # EXAMPLE
:name => "Leopold's Haven",
:def => 10
} # <- do not touch the } on this line
# This allows you to set a button, that, when pressed while hovering over a set
# item in the item or equip scenes, will show the name of the set(s) it belongs
# to. Note that it requires a button, which doesn't necessarily correspond to
# that key on the keyboard. Press F1 during testplay to see a list of the
# buttons and what key they correspond to.
# This is the text that will appear directly before the list of names of the
# sets the item belongs to when pressing ESB_SET_DISPLAY_BUTTON while hovering
# over a set item.
# You probably shouldn't touch this. It is simply a way to add other
# possibilities for stat bonuses, where those stats are set up more or less in
# the same way that the default atk, def, spi, and agi stats are. For example,
# if you are using YEM New Battler Stats, you could add them to this array as
# :res, :dex
# Then, where you set up the set bonuses at line 38, you could use the codes:
# :res => x,
# :dex => y
# and those bonuses would be granted when you complete the set. But you need to
# add them to the below array if you want to be able to do it, so:
# ESB_STAT_MODS = [:maxhp, :maxmp, :atk, :def, :spi, :agi, :res, :dex]
# NB: that's only if you have YEM New Battler Stats, and if you do, you will
# need to put the New Battler Stats script above this one in the editor, and you
# would need to get the compatibility patch located in the main topic thread
ESB_STAT_MODS = [:maxhp, :maxmp, :atk, :def, :spi, :agi]
ESB_SET_BONUSES.each_value { |set|
set[:name] = "" if !set[:name]
set[:states] = [] if !set[:states]
set.default = 0
# ** Data_EquipmentSet
# This struct holds all relevant data on an Equipment Set
Data_EquipmentSet = Struct.new (:id, :name, :equips, :states, *ESB_STAT_MODS)
# ** Data_EquipmentSets
# This class is a wrapper for an array of Data_EquipmentSet objects
class Data_EquipmentSets
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
@data = []
@equips = {}
for i in 1...$data_weapons.size
$data_weapons[i].set_ids.each { |set_id|
@equips[set_id] = [] if !@equips[set_id]
@equips[set_id].push ([1, i])
for i in 1...$data_armors.size
$data_armors[i].set_ids.each { |set_id|
@equips[set_id] = [] if !@equips[set_id]
@equips[set_id].push ([2, i])
# * Get Set
def [] (id)
if !@data[id]
name = ESB_SET_BONUSES[id][:name].to_s
states = ESB_SET_BONUSES[id][:states]
stats = []
ESB_STAT_MODS.each { |sym| stats.push (ESB_SET_BONUSES[id][sym]) }
@data[id] = Data_EquipmentSet.new (id, name, @equips[id], states, *stats)
return @data[id]
# * Get Equips
def get_equips (id)
equips = []
@equips[id].each { |type, item_id|
equip = case type
when 1 then $data_weapons[item_id]
when 2 then $data_armors[item_id]
equips.push (equip)
return equips
# ** RPG::BaseItem
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - set_ids
class RPG::BaseItem
# * Set IDs
def set_ids
set_ids = []
self.note.scan (/\\SET\[[\d,\s]+\]/i).each { |string|
string.scan (/\d+/).each { |id| set_ids.push (id.to_i) }
return set_ids
# ** Game_Actor
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - initialize, change_equip, (+ ESB_STAT_MODS)
# new methods - calculate_set_bonuses
class Game_Actor
# * ESB_STATS aliases
(ESB_STAT_MODS).each { |sym|
attr_accessor "set_#{sym}".to_sym
next if [:maxhp, :maxmp].include? (sym)
alias malg_eqpsets_#{sym} #{sym}
def #{sym} (*args)
@#{sym}_plus = 0 if !@#{sym}_plus
@#{sym}_plus += @set_#{sym}
value = malg_eqpsets_#{sym} (*args)
@#{sym}_plus -= @set_#{sym}
return value
# * MaxHP, MaxMP
alias modalgb_esbmaxhp_8i3k maxhp
def maxhp (*args)
@maxhp_plus += @set_maxhp
value = modalgb_esbmaxhp_8i3k (*args)
@maxhp_plus -= @set_maxhp
@hp = [@hp, value].min
return value
alias modrn_esb_mxmp_5sc2 maxmp
def maxmp (*args)
@maxmp_plus += @set_maxmp
value = modrn_esb_mxmp_5sc2 (*args)
@maxmp_plus -= @set_maxmp
@mp = [@mp, value].min
return value
# * Object Initialization
alias monalb_esb_intze_6yj2 initialize
def initialize (*args)
ESB_STAT_MODS.each { |sym| self.send ("set_#{sym}=".to_sym, 0) }
@set_states = []
monalb_esb_intze_6yj2 (*args) # Run Original Method
# * Calculate Set Bonuses
def calculate_set_bonuses
ESB_STAT_MODS.each { |sym| self.send ("set_#{sym}=".to_sym, 0) }
@set_states = []
sets_to_check = []
equips.each { |equip|
next unless equip
sets_to_check.push (*equip.set_ids)
sets_to_check.uniq.each { |set_id|
set_equips = $data_equipmentsets.get_equips (set_id)
if (set_equips & equips).size == set_equips.size
eqpset = $data_equipmentsets[set_id]
ESB_STAT_MODS.each { |sym|
self.send ( "set_#{sym}=".to_sym, self.send ("set_#{sym}".to_sym) + eqpset.send (sym) )
@set_states += eqpset.states
# * Change Equipment
alias monab_eqsetbon_chngeqp_1ax3 change_equip
def change_equip (*args)
monab_eqsetbon_chngeqp_1ax3 (*args) # Run Original Method
# * States
alias monabra_equps_states_1dc4 states
def states (*args)
result = monabra_equps_states_1dc4 (*args) # Run Original Method
for state_id in @set_states
state = $data_states[state_id]
next if result.include? (state)
skip = false
result.each { |state2|
if state2.state_set.include? (state.id)
skip = true
next if skip
state.state_set.each { |state_id|
result.delete ($data_states[state_id])
remove_state (state_id)
@removed_states.delete (state_id) # Don't report its removal
result.push (state)
return result
# ** Window_Selectable
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - esb_help_display_check
class Window_Selectable
# * ESB Help Display Check
def esb_help_display_check
if Input.press? (ESB_SET_DISPLAY_BUTTON)
return true if @esb_item_check == item
@esb_item_check = item
if item && !item.set_ids.empty?
set_names = []
item.set_ids.each { |id|
name = $data_equipmentsets[id].name
set_names.push (name) if !set_names.include? (name) && !name.empty?
if !set_names.empty?
set_names.each { |name| string += "#{name}; " }
string.slice! (-2, 2)
@help_window.set_text (string)
return true
@esb_item_check = nil
return false
# ** Window_Item
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - update_help
class Window_Item
# * Update Help
alias mdrnab_esb_updhlp_7ux4 update_help
def update_help (*args)
# Run Original Method if not showing set
mdrnab_esb_updhlp_7ux4 (*args) unless esb_help_display_check
# ** Window_Equip
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - update_help
class Window_Equip
# * Update Help
alias modlg_esbonus_hlpupte_6yh2 update_help
def update_help (*args)
# Run Original Method if not showing set
modlg_esbonus_hlpupte_6yh2 (*args) unless esb_help_display_check
# ** Scene_Title
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - load_database; load_bt_database
class Scene_Title
# * Load Database
alias modalb_eqpsets_loddata_8ik4 load_database
def load_database (*args)
modalb_eqpsets_loddata_8ik4 (*args) # Run Original Method
$data_equipmentsets = Data_EquipmentSets.new
# * Load Battle Test Database
alias morn_ests_btdatald_3ez2 load_bt_database
def load_bt_database (*args)
morn_ests_btdatald_3ez2 (*args) # Run Original Method
$data_equipmentsets = Data_EquipmentSets.new
Script "sets" (thats how i named it) line 185: SyntaxError ocurred.
unexpected "," expecting ")"