You could just do this with events. Make an item called "Ocarina". Make it so that it opens common event 1 (or whichever one you prefer) and is NON-consumable. Make the common event turn ON a switch. Make another common event, and set it to parallel process if that switch is on. Make loads of Input button conditional branches. For example:
Conditional Branch: The A button is Being Pressed
Play SE: Chime 2, 100, 100
Conditional Branch: The C button is Being Pressed
Play SE: Chime 2, 100, 110
Conditonal Branch: The X button is Being Presesd
Play SE: Chime 2, 100, 120
Conditional Branch: The B button is Being Pressed
Control Switch[(Whatever your switch id is)]= OFF
Something like that. Obviously, the more buttons you want on the Ocarina, the more conditional branches you should have. Just make sure that the conditional branch for B is always: Control Switch[(Whatever your switch id is)]= OFF.
Off-topic: Why does nobody ever use the pitch function?