To make a simple and successful Inn, do something like this:
Welcome! A night's stay is only 10 G. Would you like to stay a night?
Choice Branch:
Conditional Branch: IF [Gold] > 10 G
>I'm sorry, you don't seem to have enough money to stay the night.
>Exit Event Processing
Have a good night!
Decrease Gold: -10
Tint Screen: -255,-255,-255 30Frame(s)
SE: (whatever sound effect you want for a good sleep)
Party Recover ALL
Wait: 60 Frame(s)
Tint Screen: 0,0,0 30Frames(s)
Exit Event Processing
>No Thanks:
Ok. Please come back if you need a good night's sleep.
Exit Event Processing
So basically, you walk up to the NPC, the player interacts with the event and the first thing that happens is a text message from the NPC is displayed telling you the price and asking if you want to stay the night. Just after that, a choice box will appear with a YES or NO answer. If yes, then there's a conditional statement checking if you have the correct amount of gold to stay the night. If you do, then the NPC will display a text message, you'll lose 10 gold (for the price), the screen will take 30 frames to fade to black, a sound effect will play denoting that you're sleeping or something, the whole party will recover their stats, the screen will stay black for about 2 seconds, then take 30 frames to fade back to normal. Then you're done. If you do NOT accept sleeping the night, then the NPC will display a text message saying that you can comeback whenever.