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(Resolved)Cut Seen Help

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Rep: +0/-0Level 81
what is a good Explosion and how do I make a good one
I'm trying to make a small Explosion on the cooker
I mean what Should I have? and how do I make the sprites look like they are flying?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 12:34:03 PM by Solundor »

Level 83
Kidfox70. It happens.
Alright, seeing as I'm not in you're mind, and can't see the scene as you'd have it. You should go into the Database and to the animation tabs and look at ALL the animations. I only say that because even though it isn't titled Explosion, it may look like what you want. Haha, I rarely use things that are Titled or closely titled to what I want to use. I also suggest to use the Event Smoke and set it to stopped animation. Then have the BOOM! But that's just me, I don't know how your scene works. To do the flying thing, I have two ways. One easy and one hard.

Easy: Use the Jump feature. It's in the move command, look on the grid of the map and find where you want themt o fly to. If you need help ask (Basics, if you minus a number the character will go down the scale rather it be the X or the Y cor. if you add, then it goes up. Add something to the Y, they'll go up the map. If you minus to the X, then they'll move left)

Hard: Use the show picture command (First get pictures files of the Characters or what you want to use). Now the reason why this is hard, it's not because it is hard, it's easy. It's because you have to know how to use the show Picture command. So if you don't you'd have to learn. But this is how I would do it, because I could have all the control of every part of it. If you're really good, you could do the whole scene this way and really make it look like the Stove blow up and such......and things are on fire....I've seen some really cool things done this way. It also is hard, because it takes some creativity and some hard work. I my self don't see that as hard, but eh.

If you're new or if you just something quick go for the easy. I hope I helped and again ask and I'll go into more detail. ;D
I don't say bless you when people sneeze, cause i'm not God. Blessing people is his job. Lolo?

Rep: +0/-0Level 81
What I'm trying to do in the cut seen is a npc adds something to a pot on the cooker and it blows up, both hero and Npc goes flying.
i have tryed jumping but it only works with the main character not the npc event

Level 83
Kidfox70. It happens.
Ok so I think I can help with that. I hope you're using two Move Commands...One for the Player and One for the NCP, other wise...well yeah, nothing will happen to the NCP. Make a Move Command for the Player as you already have, then make a new one, under or below doesn't matter, the Player's Move Command. At the top, of the new Move Command Window is a select box, select the Event you want to move (Don't use the This Event select, cause it could cause problems). Then add in the Jump command you want for the NCP. Also something you should be aware of is the the button in the Event Command Window that is under the Move Button. You should only use that as to cut the Movement Processing to a halt. So, if you do use it, use it after the second Move Command. NOT the first.

Some side notes for Cut Scene's:
Spoiler for:
-Should use a single Event to control everything.
           -This isn't always the case and doesn't have to be followed. The reason you try to use just one, is because it's easier to mange and to keep track of things. Not to mention you can turn it off with a self switch and it just ends.
           - But again, you don't have to use just one, alot of times you need more than one Control Event. If so, and in your case, put the Event Comands in the Character or NCP Events that it relates to.
           - Make sure you're leaving Comments, again you don't need to, to better keep track of what is happening and why.
          - Use an Auto-Start. This makes the Player inable to move or be controled is better like it. YOU can move the Player all you want. Make sure you have a very small Wait command in the Beginning of the Event, I use a 4 frame, to prevent freezing. Lastly use a Self Switch at the very end to Kill the Auto-Start Event.

- Title everything. Make sure you Rename all of your Events. It's a good practice and again, it's better to be neat and organized, so we can keep track of things.

-Music can be a big part.
         -In your case I'd suggest music playing during, but then when the thing is added, right before it blows, stop the music.

- Test things always. Test it as things go along. Don't do, do, do, do. Then test it. Because you can be confused and over whelmed. Working a little and then testing, you can catch every problem one at a time and it will be easy to remember what you did.

I think that's about all I care to type right now...haha. It's probably more than you wanted. You should search for Tutorials for Cut Scenes. I hope I helped. Also, when you feel like you're helped and can handle things on your own, you should Change the Title of the Topic to "(Resolved)Cut Scene Help". That way people don't click on here thinking you still need help. Peace out and hope all is well!
I don't say bless you when people sneeze, cause i'm not God. Blessing people is his job. Lolo?

Rep: +0/-0Level 81
Lol sorry but I know all that, if I do any cut seen its always in a new Event never in a NPC Event, what I mean to ask is what is the formula to a successful Explosion

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
Create an animation in the database for an explosion that is suitable for you. Then (I think in the 3rd page) of the events, yo ucan set to play an animation on the map. Just look for the animation you created and use that. If you time it well, you could probably tint the screen to a red or white and fade it out really fast to make it like a flash that affects the whole screen during the animation.

Rep: +0/-0Level 81
Right I can make the explosion and make the Player and NPC fly across the room but i cant change the sprites to down sprites, when I try it the game frizzes, What am I doing wrong?

you probably forgot to end the autorun event. Do this with a self-switch activating an empty page, with trigger set to action button.

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
you probably forgot to end the autorun event. Do this with a self-switch activating an empty page, with trigger set to action button.


Rep: +0/-0Level 81
Yes I have finished and thanks a lot you lot
And here it is if you wanna see it
please leave feedback Eg how I can improve it