Did you try putting Item Drop Ranks below Grid Inventory in the Script Editor like I told you? I tested it out and it worked.
As for the other one, it looks like it will occur whenever you have a weapon or armor that isn't equippable by any class. It's kind of weird to have weapons or armors that are unequippable by all classes, but whatever. Putting this patch in its own slot below the Grid Inventory should fix it.
class Window_ItemInfo
# * Draw Item Equippable Classes
# item : the item to draw equippable classes of
# x, y : coordinates to draw
def draw_item_equippable_classes (item, x, y)
eq_classes = item.equippable_classes
# Convert class names into 4 letter abbreviations
class_names = []
eq_classes.each { |i|
name = $data_classes[i].name.dup
if name.size > 4
name.gsub! (/[aeiou]/) { "#{$1}#{$2}" }
if name.include? (" ")
nm2 = name.split (" ")
nm2.delete ("")
if nm2.size > 1 && nm2[0].size >= 2 && nm2[-1].size >= 2
name = nm2[0][0, 1] + nm2[0][-1, 1] + nm2[-1][0, 1] + nm2[-1][-1, 1]
name.gsub! (/ /) { "" }
if name.size > 4
name = name[0, 2] + name[-2, 2]
class_names.push (name + ';')
return if class_names.empty?
# Draw Signifying Text
tw = contents.text_size (Vocab::GI_CLASS_EQUIP).width + 4
contents.font.color = system_color
contents.draw_text (x, y, tw, WLH, Vocab::GI_CLASS_EQUIP)
class_names[-1].slice! (-1, 1)
x = tw + 8
contents.font.color = normal_color
class_names.each { |name|
# Write each of the class names.
tw = contents.text_size (name).width
if x + tw > 200
x = 12
y += WLH
contents.draw_text (x, y, tw, WLH, name)
x += tw + 6