For some reason my characters are walking on TileA... I don't know why this is...
I've checked the phasing, and that was not the issue.
I checked to see if my ctrl key was stuck or malfunctioning, it was not
I tested the other tilesets, and have come to the conclusion that TileA is the only one that my chars are not blocked by phasing!
I'm so confused...
Anyways, the thing is, for some reason, my TileA is being passed through as if it had phasing on, although it doesn't. But for some reason, my other tiles are unaffected...
The list of Scripts I'm using are:
Yez Core Fixes and Upgrades (Yanfly)
On-Screen Shop (Woratana)
Damage Popup (Modern)
Tutorial screens (Modern)
Yez Options menu (Yanfly)
Yez Party selection system (Yanfly)
Yes Status Command Menu (Yanfly)
Yezvictory aftermath (you get the idea)
Yez victory aftermath compatibility
Any ideas of how to fix it, eh?