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Anybody playing FF13?

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Level 84
All Hail the Motherboard.
Yeah i think the Voice actors tried to hard to give their characters Voices. Vanielles and Fangs Accents are overdone, But i guess if you were to ask someone who made the game they would say its because they're from Pulse

Level 88
My problem with Vanille's voice is that it doesn't seem to have any sort of form. She raises parts of a sentence/word that she later won't, and it just feels completely unnatural. She seriously ruined every part of the game she was in for me. Just plain awful.

Level 84
All Hail the Motherboard.
Have you beaten the game yet?

Level 88
Have you beaten the game yet?
No. I got halfway through Chapter 11 and lost interest. I only rented the game, so I can't play anymore anyway.

Level 97
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This is horrible. Well, not horrible, but horrible for Square. This is even worse than FF 8. It's even worse than FF 10.

It's a very linear game that's the equivalent of just walking down a hallway, watching a cutscene, and continuing down the hallway until eventually you reach a boss and/or another cutscene.

A lot of people like the battle system, but it's pretty stupid really. You control one character and you don't need to do much of anything other than hit Auto Battle for your turn unless you need to use a Potion. A little more strategy is added later with Paradigms, but that hardly saves it.

Also Vanille's voice actor makes me want to shoot myself in the head. However, Sazh's voice actor and even his character are good.

I've just started chapter 5 (maybe 4, I don't care to know exactly) and I realized that after playing for several hours it feels like I'm still waiting for the game to begin and tell me what the hell is going on. FF 13 continues the stupid trend FF 8 set where everything is this vague futuristic thing and you have no idea what it does. "Oh hey there's some cylinder thing with holograms on it... what does it do and why is it there? It has no purpose, who built this?".

I'm glad I only rented this (luckily for free) because I really just don't want to play this anymore. It's linear. It's boring. It doesn't explain the plot to you until well into the game. You can learn about it more in your datalog, yeah, but I didn't start a game only to have to read a book to understand vaguely what the characters are talking about.

I think I'm finally done with new Final Fantasy games. :)

Level 88
I'm glad somebody here agrees with me :) Thanks, Halopal.


I liked FF8 up until the orphanage, and FF10 is my second favourite :(

FF9 is number one :)

Level 97
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I loved FF10's battle system. I couldn't stand the story or the characters.

And I'm the same with you on FF8 - the orphanage part killed it.

FF9 is great. :)

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
I still have yet to finish FFIX. I got caught up with playing other PSP games. ;9

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
FF13, is FF10-3. There's the hallway maps that they had in FF10 and FF10-2. Then there's the sphere grid that they had in FF10. I forget if it was in FF10-2.

The last Final Fantasy I've played through fully was 10-2 so I can't really say what I think of FF11, or FF12.

So, I want to know. I liked FF10 and I have a PS3, should I get it or pass on it?

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
FF13, is FF10-3. There's the hallway maps that they had in FF10 and FF10-2. Then there's the sphere grid that they had in FF10. I forget if it was in FF10-2.

The last Final Fantasy I've played through fully was 10-2 so I can't really say what I think of FF11, or FF12.

So, I want to know. I liked FF10 and I have a PS3, should I get it or pass on it?


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Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
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10-2 doesn't count as a game. :mad:

Compared to 10 it has its pros:
*Voice acting is much better quality, with some exceptions
*There is a story - even though by the time you start understanding what the hell is going on you won't care. But it's still better than 10's generic story and bland and annoying characters
*Your best character doesn't use a volley ball as a weapon.

But it also has its cons:
*Battle system is not as good as 10 and is pretty boring
*It seems much more linear than 10 especially in terms of map design (which considering how linear 10 was, that's bad), but supposedly 13 gets less linear later on.
*The story is arguably better, but you have no idea what is going on.

I'd say rent it at least. Play the first couple of chapter and realize that that is what the rest of the game is like (at least for a long time). Switching between characters dozens of times in the course of one chapter, walking forever down one path because that's the only way you can go and there is no exploration because there are no towns or anything, and in battles you just hit Auto-Battle every time it's your turn and watch the AI play the game for you. If that sounds fun, go for it.

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
Lol, some girl in my "Creating Secondary Worlds" liberal arts class decided to explain in her presentation that in her secondary world, the people there play blitzball, without ever actually saying "Blitzball". We were supposed to come up with some sort of ORIGINAL game concept that our people play to pass the time. She chose blitzball. I'm pretty positive everyone in my class knew she ripped it, it doesn't help her 'favorite' FF is 10.

ps. I fucking hated blitzball. - i was never good at it either.

Level 88
FFX-2 was excellent, Halo :(

I liked Blitzball.
I liked FFX's voice acting far more (Tara Strong, John DiMaggio, whoever voiced Auron). Vanille's voice acting is just unforgivable. I could at least forgive the laughing scene in FFX.
I liked FFX's story, but perhaps this is a case of my ignorance. I've never encountered a story similar to FFX's so it didn't seem generic to me. I also don't have a problem with the characters (even Tidus!).
Wakka and volley balls are awesome, you jerk.

As for the battle system, I'd hold it on par with X-2's (even with the tedious stagger system at times) and I hold X-2's system far above X's.
The story is arguably worse.

But yes, rent FF13. If you don't pay attention and let the glaring faults in the story/storytelling go over your head, you'll probably like it. For example, I never noticed Secret of Mana had a terrible story until I replayed it a couple years ago and actually paid attention. I actually kind of dislike the game now for how bad the story is. Anyway the point I'm trying to make is, if you pay attention and don't let your brain say "Wow!" every time Lightning or Vanille speaks a bunch of shit about fate/hope/whatever, you'll realise they're not actually saying anything. If you pay attention, you'll realise you know very little about the world or why you should care for either side.

If you don't pay attention, I imagine the cheesy/nonsensical dialogue will seem deep and the story intricate. This seems to be the case for anybody on /v/ who says they "like the game so far."

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
To be honest, the laughing scene in 10 never really bothered me. I think most people take it out of context like if they were truly laughing, but the point was to 'fake' laugh in that scene which is what they did. It was a terrible mock of a laugh because they weren't actually laughing. Tidus was trying to tell 'what's-her-name' that sometimes laughing when your at a really low point can help bring you back up so he just starts laughing like a retard and (god damnit i can't remember her name) mimics him trying to break out of her little depression thing she's got going on. I think the scene could have been much better if they both broke into actual laughter near the end of scene rather laughing at themselves for acting like a fool just then, but that's just me.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Yuna. :mad:

ps. I fucking hated blitzball. - i was never good at it either.
If you mean X-2, me too. I had no idea what the f*** was going on. For just FFX, it was easy, really. Just get the ball to Tidus who will be near the enemy goal and Jecht Shot Mark 69 it. Then, when you're in the lead, take your player and hide behind your goal. The opposing team will never think to attack you there. !

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
I mean 10. (not 10-2). I just didn't like it.

Level 88
Blitzball was a lot of fun in both, I thought. I actually liked X-2's version a lot more.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I only played blitzball when I had to. Never played it again. I wasn't a fan, but it is better than putting another card game in like they did in 8 and 9.

Last Stop
Level 88
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blitzball could have been better but it was pretty easy to make tolerable if you knew the tricks to playing

Level 91
Queen Princess
2013 Most Missed Member2012 Most Missed Member;o hee hee <3For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki
FFX isn't as linear as you're having everyone believe. You had tons of side-quests available to you at many points in the game (blitzball, hunting monsters, miscellaneous sidequests) and you could actually travel around and go to places you've visited and nose around for the best equipment. It is without a doubt more linear than any of the games that came before it but it's nowhere near as linear as 13 is.
:taco: :taco: :taco:

Level 84
All Hail the Motherboard.
Whats wrong with the linearity? i know its a big problem for most people, but if you could walk around more than you already could, the game would be 12 times longer than it is now and you would probably get bored trying to figure out where you had to go. I am at 36 hours into the gameplay and im only on Chapter 11, and thats when you get to
Spoiler for:
Gran Pulse
And thats the most open map I've ever fucking seen. There are so many sidequests that you have to complete them after you beat the game and come back to it , if you want to master your roles with your characters, and after being babied with hallways you will wish it was linear again.'

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
I think that, when a storyline has any sense of urgency, or dire consequences to consider if you don't complete the main story quickly, linearity is not only acceptable, but kind of necessary.

I mean, sure, non-linear games are fun, but when games (like Oblivion) are all "we have to hurry! if we don't light the dragonfires now Oblivion gates will open up all over the world and destroy everything" and you can be like "let me do miscellaneous quests until I'm level 30 first, it should only take me about 40 gameplay hours, THEN I'll adress the incredibly urgent matter of saving the world," it kind of takes away from the main story.


Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I agree, but leveling up in Oblivion is pretty pointless because enemies level up with you. As far as Final Fantasy goes, it's pretty much the most linear series of RPGs ever made. Sure, you can usually take up some side quests, but these are usually end-game things. I think the problem comes in mainly when regarding storylines. Oblivion's storyline is pretty terrible, really. It's a patchwork of generic quasi-medieval stuff. The thing is, Oblivion is so much fun to play, because you're not just watching these things happen, you're doing them. As for Final Fantasy, the main draw is in getting swept away through story. You want to play more to see what happens next in the story. This is the biggest difference in not only western v. eastern RPGs, but all game types. (Think Metal Gear) This is all fine. I like my share of both. Here's where the problem comes in: Most of the newer Final Fantasies have shitty stories. 7 was great, but the horrible translation left it a nearly unintelligible mess. 8 had too many coincidences for me to suspend my disbelief. 9 was pretty much the good parts of all the old FFs. 10 was interesting for a while, but like 7, was pretty horribly put together. 12 is one of my favorites because it told you the story. It didn't use gimmicks like so many others. I think you get my point by now, but in case you don't, here it is: If the main selling point, (aside from Square's increasingly formulaic cut-scenes,) is the storyline, then it should be good. Or at the very least understandable without having to go online and read what the fuck is going on.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Oh, right. I forgot about Oblivion's leveling system, I usually install a mod that disables that so some areas are simply more difficult than others. And also so you aren't struggling with oversized rats at level 10 anymore. :p

But yeah, everything else, </agree>
