Try this script - I wrote it a long long time ago. It allows you to give troops levels and set a range for your heroes to encounter, so you will only encounter enemies if they are within the level range.
# Encounter Levels Script
# Version: 1.0
# Author: Modern Algebra (
# Date: February 5, 2008
# Instructions:
# Set up the regular map encounter lists (areas included) with all the monsters that
# you ever want to appear in that area or map.
# The system basically works by giving monster troops levels and by setting a
# level range within which all encounters must reside. By default, this level range
# is between (Actor's Average Level - 5) and (Actor's Average Level + 5). The
# range can be changed at any time to make certain maps harder or easier by
# using the following code in a call script:
# $game_system.min_level = x
# $game_system.max_level = x
# Where x is the value you are changing it to.
# Keep in mind that min level, like max level, is added to the party's average level.
# So, if you set $game_system.min_level = 5, then the minimum level of encounters
# would be party's average level + 5, not party's average level - 5.
# You can also turn the levelling feature on and off completely at will, using this code:
# $game_system.level_boolean = true (to turn it on)
# $game_system.level_boolean = false (to turn it off)
# For instructions on setting the troop levels, see the Editable Region at Line 58.
# Compatibility:
# It ought to be compatible with any script that does not modify the
# make_encounter_troop_id method of Game_Player (and I can't think of any script
# that would want to besides one like this).
# ** Game_System
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - initialize
# new instance variables - level_boolean, min_level, max_level
# new method - troop_levels
class Game_System
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :level_boolean # Turns on and off the level range function
attr_accessor :min_level # The lower limit of the encounter range
attr_accessor :max_level # The upper limit of the encounter range
# * Retrieve Troop Level
# Adds an Encounter_Area object to the areas array.
def troop_levels (id)
# By default, level = id
level = id
case id
# * Editable Region
# Here is where you can set up the levels of each respective troop. As
# you can see below, all you need to do is use this code:
# when id; level = X
# where id is the ID of the troop and X is the level you want that troop to
# have. I also recommend placing the name of the troop next to them for
# easy editing, so:
# when id; level = X # name
# If you do not set a level, the troop's level will be assumed to be equal to it's ID
when 1; level = 2 # Slime * 2
when 2; level = 5 # Bat * 2
when 3; level = 8 # Bee * 2
when 4; level = 11 # Spider * 3
when 5; level = 13
when 6; level = 14
when 7;
when 8;
when 9;
when 10;
when 11;
when 12;
when 13;
when 14;
when 15;
when 16;
when 17;
when 18;
when 19;
when 20;
when 21;
when 22;
when 23;
when 24;
when 25;
when 26;
when 27;
when 28;
when 29;
when 30;
# * End Editable Region
return level
# * Object Initialization
alias ma_encounter_levels_init initialize
def initialize
@min_level = -5
@max_level = 5
@level_boolean = true
# * End Editable Region
# ** Game_Player
# Summary of Changes:
# overwritten methods - make_encounter_troop_id
class Game_Map
# * Encounter List
# returns the encounter list based on party level
alias ma_encounter_level_restrictions_encounter_list encounter_list
def encounter_list
# If level feature active
if $game_system.level_boolean
encounters = []
# Calculate Party Level Average
average_level = 0
$game_party.actors.each {|i| average_level += i.level}
average_level /= $game_party.actors.size
# Set Range
min = [average_level + $game_system.min_level,1].max
max = [average_level + $game_system.max_level,99].min
unless min > max
# Test average agains all troops in the list
ma_encounter_level_restrictions_encounter_list.each {|i|
troop_level = $game_system.troop_levels (i)
# Add to the returning array If troop level within range
encounters.push (i) if troop_level.between? (min, max)
# Return the full encounter list
encounters = ma_encounter_level_restrictions_encounter_list
return encounters