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Game randomnly crashing [2K3]

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Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Alright, so I and a few others have had this happen on different occasions. Mine was during a later boss fight, one was in a completely different boss fight (that nobody had it crash on) and another was going into a random encounter (which nobody else had any crashes on either). Says something about a module or something.....I'd have to look up the error again to see exactly what it was, but does anyone know what could be causing this error? Or if it's 2K3 that's at fault and not the coding???

Level 85
Make sure you are using 1.09a. If not, upgrade your RPG_RT.exe to 1.09a.

Here you can see a changelog (and which bugs were fixed, etc.) of the RM2k3:


Best regards,
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I know this is super late to reply to (as I forgot all about this topic), but I found out that the version I am running is sooo...dunno if that's part of the problem too lol. Dunno where to find 1.09a though x_x

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Now then...do I just dump it into the folder with the main program files or...run it or what? Making sure I'm doing this right.

And it won't just kill off my project randomly if I put it in now, will it?

Level 85
Back up your project's old RPG_RT.exe and put the new one at its place.
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Ok, so the first thing I notice is the font is completely different in 1.9 than in 1.8, and that the text is cut up. For instance, instead of this in the description:

[Lv5] Restores moderate HP.

I get this

[ Lv5] Rest or es moder at e HP.

In addition to this, sometimes letters are completely missing. In some descriptions, where it says "Minor", it just says "M nor".

Is there a reason that this is doing this at all??

Level 85
It's probably trying to use a font you haven't installed, so it falls back to Arial, which is... a bad idea.

Just open your project with the old rpg_rt.exe in Hyper Patcher 2 and look what fonts it uses (in the "Sonstiges 1" tab). Then put the new rpg_rt.exe and open the project again in Hyper Patcher 2, now change the fonts to the same setting the old rpg_rt.exe used.
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
So in the first part, I see MS Gothic, and in the second part, I see MS Mincho. So all I'll have to do is change the fonts to match that then in the new one through the program, correct?

Level 85

(However, you can also increase the picture limit to 126 with that tool, if you want. See the English description of it on my webpage.)
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Wait, what's the picture limit for exactly?

Level 85
Normally, you can only show 50 pictures at the same time.
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Another late reply, but I've been getting this recently. Wondering if this is part of the same issue that I'm having:

"Access violation in module 'RPG_RT.exe' in ith address 004994EB and offset 000000348 of type Read occurred."

I've been having this happen in one event. Thing is, it worked PERFECTLY fine prior to tonight...and then there are times when it'll work fine and then go back to that error. Any reason for this?

Level 85
Obviously, the game tries to access a non-existing party member (for example, the 4th hero when only 2 heroes are in the party).

I don't know why this happens, but maybe it gives you a hint what the problem might be. Maybe you confused the RPG Maker by rapidly changing the party during battle (or doing it in a bad moment)?

Technical explanation:

004994D6 030                 mov     eax, [ebp+var_4]
004994D9 030                 mov     eax, [eax+24h]
004994DC 030                 mov     edx, [eax+44h]
004994DF 030                 mov     eax, ds:LcfgPartyInfo
004994E4 030                 mov     eax, [eax]
004994E6 030                 call    GetPartyMember  ; Call Procedure
004994EB 030                 cmp     byte ptr [eax+348h], 0 ; Compare Two Operands
004994F2 030                 jnz     short loc_004994FF ; Jump if Not Zero (ZF=0)

Because the error occurs at 004994EB, where data from address [eax+348] is read, and the address which is accessed (according to the error message) is 00000348, eax must be 0. GetPartyMember returns the result in eax, so GetPartyMember must have returned 0, which means the requested party member doesn't exist. The RPG Maker developers didn't take that situation into account however - they don't check eax for 0, they just "trust" it to be valid, that's why you get such an ugly error message.

Best regards,
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 08:55:28 AM by Cherry »
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Hmm....lemme check my script for removing/adding party members


Thing is, it didn't do this previously when I did something like this so...and in the battle it doesn't remove nobody either, nor does it remove anyone prior to this...hmm....

Level 85
Hmmm... I can't see anything wrong...

To dig into the problem, I would need your project, or remote access to your computer (via Mikogo). That's because I need to debug the game while it's running and the failure is happening.
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well, one second.


First post has all of the necessary links (yes, it's split up massively).

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M8ZDJJS4   New patch here (I don't know WHAT patch is what now. I've been fixing bugs all day the past 2 days just to make sure things are right...).

So that should be everything, unless you need that save file too?

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Use this instead for patch. Just uploeaded:  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LRFLC21S

Level 85
Oh, sorry, I won't download 310 MB now, because I have only 500 MB left this month. So either you find a way to give a project to me which is much smaller and still demonstrates the problem, or you send me a PM so we can do it via remote control.
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at

Rep: +0/-0Level 32
A French RPG Maker...
Hello ! Sorry for waking up this topic from the dead.

I happened to encounter the same probem in my game, and I wonder if you still have the patch you talked about in the previous messages.

Thank you !

Level 85
I don't remember, and it seems like I never came to actually do anything about this, but I'm not sure.

If you could add me on Skype (cherry-dt) and send me a copy of your game with a way to reproduce the issue on my PC, I could debug it and probably write a patch to fix it.

Best wishes,
Cherry = CherryDT | www.cherrytree.at