I think he was just a little confused at your post. I'm a little confused as to what you want as well. Is it that you want the player to be able to switch the positions of items, so:
High Potion
could become something like:
High Potion
I haven't looked at the script for a long time, but I think to do so I think I or another scripter would need to add in a way to track positions. I think the way I made it adds new items based on item order. So Items 0-999, then Weapons 0-999, then Armors 0-999. I'm not sure if that's true though as I haven't looked at it for a long time. But I think there would need to be some alterations to the way items are added. So, if you want that functionality, the first thing you will need to do is change the way items are added and removed from the inventory. After that, you would probably want to make a new invisible window over top with the same to show the next cursor and base it off that. I do a similar thing in the Integrated Reserve Party if you want to see an example of switching order with two cursors.
Increasing the vertical space is a little easier, but you might run into other problems based on how I calculated what sprites should be drawn when... Again, I don't remember this script very well, so I can't remember if the way I did that would cause problems in this regard. The simple answer, however, is to find the item_rect method of the Window_Item class in my script. You should see this:
# * Item Rect
def item_rect (index)
wlh = @wlh == nil ? WLH : @wlh
rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
rect.width = (contents.width + @spacing) / @column_max - @spacing
rect.height = wlh
rect.x = index % @column_max * (rect.width + @spacing)
rect.y = (index / @column_max * wlh)
return rect
Alter the last line where rect.y is set to change the y position of the slots. So, a line like this:
rect.y = (index / @column_max * (wlh + 4))
would increase the vertical spacing by 4 pixels. Change the 4 to however many you want.
And don't feel bad about it being complicated
I barely knew what I was doing when I wrote this script - it's not well written I don't think.