I have three of 'em. If you have the money, I don't see a reason not to just buy a wii. They play gamecube games too, and they play wii games. They're coming down in price too.
Still too expensive for me. $50 is about as much money as I have.
@Roph: Hmmm Melee is for sure; that's what I'm going to be spending most of my time playing. There's too much to practice and learn for it!
I've always also wanted to play Pikmin, too. Starfox is an option for the future, too.
@Arrow: I was thinking of Paper Mario and Animal Crossing. Maybe the other ones
@others: I'll look at those games a little, but, overall, I'm short on money and time. ;-; So that's, like, money squared. SSBM could potentially keep me busy for INFINITY, and, like I said, I still have my PSP.
But thanks for all the recommendations. :3 I'm really excited to get this GC.
@Holk: Skies of Arcadia isn't for GC, but Skies of Arcadia Legends is. If there's any difference.