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Having trouble fidguring out how to create specific event

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Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Basically I'm trying to create a cut scene that my main char isn't in.

What i want it to be is the secondary main char (main chars GF) is waiting for him to get to her house and she is talking to herself and the people in her house as well as walking to and from the window in the house and eventually she sees him from the window and runs to the front of the house to wait for him to come in and then he is supposed to walk in and start talking to people.

One of the things i wanna know is if there is some way to set up a kinda remote event.  If there is a way to do it without scripting i haven't found it and I'm no good at scripting  so i wouldn't be able to do it that way anyway.

Just so you know i do have a decent knowledge on how eventing works but i haven't been able to get this all to work.  i dunno if it just isn't possible or if I'm missing something hard or incredibly easy but yeah.

Thanks for the help and if for whatever reason you need a screen shot of the map i can give it but i really don't have any events setup here cause i don't really know where to start.

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
There's an event called Set Move Route, which you can use to move events and characters. Also, there's a Change Player Graphic event, in which you can make the character invisible.
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Yeah i do know how to set move routes and change char graphics but if i do it that way i wont be able to have the main char walk in and not have the game focused on him.

Cause the way i want it to work is that the main char will walk in and have it still centered on the girl for a min but as he talks to her i want it to refocus back on the main char so i can go talk to the shop keeper for part of the story and then to talk back to the girl and then have her basically join the party and they will leave the house and go to another event.  I know i might have to rework the whole scene and make the main char invisible but doing so would ruin how i want it all to work.

But if there is no other choice then i will have to do it that way but i wanna know if there is another way around it so that i can get it to work the way i want it to.

Hey... my name's... Sashikinaroji...
Level 83
fear me...
Well, you can make the girl be the main char for a little bit (or, at least, the graphic for the main char) then, when you want the scene to end, make them "switch places"

Ok... Here's a better explaination of what I mean...

Have the girl be the main char, and have her move around using the move commands. OK.

Now, make two events with switches. One will be the girl (no graphic on the first page, graphic on the second page), and one will be the hero(graphic on the first page, no graphic on the second page). 

Now, to review, we have two people visible at this point: the girl (Player) and the hero (event).

After the characters finish the cut-scene, the girl will be at location X and the hero will be at location Y.

To give the illusion that nothing has changed, after the cutscene ends, have two things happen simultaneously: Change the graphics and move the graphics.

You will be changing the girl (event) into the girl sprite from the empty sprite, and the girl (player) into hero sprite from the girl sprite. You will also be changing the Hero (event) into the empty sprite.

You will be moving the girl (event) to location Y, and the hero (player) to location X.

So, basically, I think that I made this more difficult to understand... But I think I have the whole process in here. No scripting. Just eventing... ALso, there very well might be an easier way...
Ok, DON'T EXPECT HELP FROM ME~! I will perhaps rant a bit, but don't expect me to do graphics for you, even if I say I will... I won't.

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Okay.  That kinda makes sense.  I'm not really sure why i didn't think of something like that.  I think it was cause I have been going and not really making a distinction between a cut scene and normal other than you just lose control. 

And you just gave me the idea to change how I'm doing it and put a quick fadeout and then fade in at the beginning and the end of all the cut scenes in the game, which incidentally there are only 3 including this one in the game so far but yeah.

So thanks for the help and now i think i can get it.