Hey, Drakusatheon here.
I'm fairly new to this community (been a member only about a week), but I've been working with the RPG Maker software since my friend introduced me to it in the latter half of 8th grade. Started off on console with RPG Maker for PSX, then worked my way through 2 and 3 on PS2 before finally growing really pretty tired of how limited they were and moved to computer =/
I can't script to save my life, so I work more on eventing ^ ^; I can't find a decent place to learn syntax, so if anyone would like to point me in the right direction I'd be most appreciative. While I've been using the general software for some time, I'm still new to many aspects of the computer software specifically. I hope my skills continue to grow in my time here (Especially my scripting and mapping, after seeing people like The Shadow, MA, and Yanfly and being more or less stunned into submission x.x) and hopefully put out some good projects. I'm working on one right now, but I'm not nearly far enough along to put up too much data on it, but I'm hard at work. Though I'm not afraid of constructive criticism, so if you're going to criticize be brutally honest and thorough. If it'll make the game better, I'll take it in stride. Perhaps with a grain of salt, but I'll take it.
So, yeah. Here I am. -dramatic pose-