<Name of Proposed Script> Earthbound Battle System
<Date Proposed>10/20/2009
SummaryHave you played the Earthbound games and gone 'I wish I had that battle system for my game'? I know I have. I've been looking for something that has the rolling HP and MP meters, battle commands and such for ages. I've actually spent weeks on Google and have come up with nothing whatsoever!
Features Desired- Customizable battle options
- Rolling HP/MP meters
- Trippy moving backgrounds
Mockupshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAmBIljqgR8That's a video that shows how the battle system works.
Games its been in- Earthbound/Mother 2
- Mother 3
Did you search?Yep. For ages, actually...
Where did you search?- Googled "RPG XP Earthbound Script"
- Googled "RPG XP Rolling HP Script"
- Googled "RPG XP Earthbound battle system script"
- Googled "RPG XP Earthbound scrolling HP Script"
- Searched RMRK for "Earthbound Script"
- Searched RPG Town Forums for "Earthbound"
- Searched Creation Asylum for "Earthbound"
What did you search for?