240% Original and Extremely Simple Charset Templates for RPG Maker XP!
So anyway, for my latest games I've wanted to make something original, and not RTP. I've never sprited before, so it turned out as crap relativly, but it's perfect for my games at least. Now, before I go any further, I'd like to show you something.
It's the license im posting it under. Just follow the link if you want to know more about this one in particular. Basically, it allows you to do pretty much all you want with the stuff, even commercially, as long as you credit me (Eternal) and post it under the same, or a similar license, one which also has to credit me, partly at least. Thanks.
The first one isn't a charset, but a tileset, made to test the sprites, as they were originally made for "Rogue", a game I've stopped working on due to lack of time and interest. It was/is an Assassin's Creed look-a-like, however set in a ruined future, where technologi is not something seen often, and where you slay targets for your bereau, with updates under the way by your friend and boss through greenclaw tech and just a "regular" pager. Buuuuut, I'm getting waaaaay off topic...! (Sorry
The most basic walking tileset there is. It's set in a simple style, and I really haven't found a name for the series yet (don't hesitate to suggest one (or more)).
The following are all different types of climbing sprites, because, as I stated before, it was made for an Assassin's Creed styled game.
With that out of the way, I'd also like to say that if you need anything from this series, be sure to tell me, and I'll try to get around spriting it. Also, if you create anything yourself with these templates, I'd be happy if you'd show me xD.
PLUS! If you plan on using the tileset, you might want to check out a demo to see how it should be set up (it's quite a bit advanced
). The file is attached, and so are all the files above, though I'm not sure it's the same version (it should be though).
You'll need a program such as
Winrar to open it. The game project is not encrypted.