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Mapping Help

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Rep: +0/-0Level 82

I am new to rmrk, so can someone please tell me if this is in the wrong section.

I am making a game using RPG Maker XP, and i am trying to make a map system, so your player can move across it and transport to smaller maps. (I hope that makes sense!) I tried making a common event where it brings up a picture that will be the map, but when it does this, my character dissapears, and i can only see a portion of the map that i started to create. Does this need scripting to do? As i am only just starting to learn how to use RGSS, i need help, what do i do from here. I am sure other people would have done this sort of thing before, so can someone point me in the right direction. But if not, any help would be greatly appreciated.



Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
Read some basic tutorials and then come back.

Rep: +0/-0Level 82
All of the tutorials that I'm reading aren't quite what i am looking for.....
Everything that ive seen is about making items that teleport you to a selected area, but i am looking for a map to be put onto the screen through the show picture command. But as I said in my last post, the character dissapears and only a portion of the map drawn is visible. Again, as i said, i am new to RPG Maker XP and also RMRK, so any help would be greatly appreciated!



Level 87
what's in your common event?
Is the portion of the map that's visible taking up the whole screen?  Is the unseen portion unseen because it's too big for the screen and outside the viewable area, or is there space for it but it's just not there?

You need to explain what you've done and what your result is a little more before we can help you :)

mmm - sounds like you want your map to be the world map and let the player walk around on it.  How big is it?  Show Picture, I think, will place the picture OVER the character, not allow the character to walk on it.  And I also believe it places the picture according to screen coordinates, so as the character walks around, the picture will not "move" as if the character is walking on it.

You'll probably need to convert your image to a tileset and create a new map using it, which will be your world map.  Then have teleport events going from there to your other smaller maps.
Always remember you're unique.
Just like everybody else.

Rep: +0/-0Level 82
Yep, lol, thats what ive just done, im making the whole thing as a tileset, then i can just copy it into the game. Thanks for your help anyway.


what you want is porbarly a world map...
http://www.rpg-palace.com/downloads/tilesets/world.zip this is a great world map tileset.

what you schould do first is inserting the tileset in the above link to your game.

next, create a map called "world map" (or whatever you want it to be called), and design the map as you want it.

finaly, where you want it to be an entrance to one of the smaller maps put an event with "transfer player" in it.

i hope you understood.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 04:23:03 PM by valdred »