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Char request

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Rep: +0/-0Level 82
I need 8 elf char and 8 for drawf......
4 female 4 male elf and drawf........
I'm making 2 game at once.

Rep: +0/-0Level 82
I'm making 2 game at once.

Level 97
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What's a drawf?

I'm assuming a dwarf, but you need to put a little more effort in your requests - giving one descriptor and not even knowing how to spell it is not a great way to go about it. Further, the request is so general that you could likely find some of what you want just by looking at the RMVX Resource Links sticky and looking through those.

I don't mean to be insulting, so please don't interpret it as such. I'm not an artist, but I do complete requests for scripts and when I see requests like this I never take them - people want specificity. I know I wouldn't want to spend hours making a script based on a sparse request just to find that the requestor didn't want it to be made that way and won't use it anyway.

Also, nobody wants to make requests for games that will never be finished or never be good, and one of the telltale signs of a good designer is that they actually care what graphics and features they include in their game. Such general requests do not give the impression that you really care. Keep in mind that you are asking people to devote significant amounts of their time to make something for you. They are doing favours for people - they don't appreciate capslock demands, and they want to know that they're not wasting their time. As the requestor, if you want your request to be filled, you have to convince them that they won't be wasting their time to make these for you. Requests like this don't do that.