I'm going to give you some criticism. Please don't take anything I say to be insulting, because I really like this. I'm just giving you some of my opinions, and you don't have to (and probably won't) do anything with them.
- I really like the art style. B&W is good for this, and it isn't too anime, which most things are in these communities.
- That being said, I feel that when you do include some anime cliches, or jokes in general, it sort of clashes with the overall feel. For example, Liam passing out in therapy. I understand the need for light moments, as not to seem too pretentious or dark, but I sort of felt pulled out of the story at these moments.
- I don't know if you're intending to do this, but I'm catching some meta-fiction in here, which I totally dig. For instance, the drawing that Liam has is the first page of the comic. Running with this idea would be completely rad, but even if you don't, it's still a nice touch.
- It's still really early, I know, but it would be pretty sweet to see some of the tertiary characters get some background. As soon as I saw Jessie, I wanted to know more about him/her. (I still can't figure it out.) The half-hawk is such an eye-catching style, that I think the character deserves fleshing out. Sort of reminds me of something that would be in Salad Fingers.